Yann Jean-Louis Pine Mountain Middle School
“Geometric Sun, Gavin Aaron, Acrylic paint on roof paper, 2014
From the title of the painting I can gather that the painting is made of mostly geometric shapes and that the painting is of the sun. In the painting I recognize the sun as the subject. I can see the colors blue, green, yellow, red, black, and pink. The painting is made of many triangles, half circles, and lines. The shapes and paint used in the painting give it a smooth 3D look. There is a small amount of negative space that separates the figures in the painting. Form can be identified in this painting by the 3D-like triangles in it. The artist used chalk to mark were the black lines on the page. After that, he painted in the areas not marked by chalk. Then, when the paint dried the artist washed off the chalk so that only black was seen were the chalk was.
I believe that the emphasis of the painting is placed in its center. This is because the triangles in the center have the brightest colors and most obvious pattern. The painting shows a symmetrical balance. As both sides of the painting are balanced. In this picture the sun is larger in the sky. This is used to add emphasis and draw attention to its details/ importance. Pattern is showing consistency with colors or lines, and many examples of this can be found in this piece of art. One examples is the recurrent use of yellow, red, and green. Another example of patterns in this painting is the many triangles found in its design. This painting shows slight sings of movement, as the red triangle and vertical lines repeat on the sun’s “rays”. This pattern causes the eye to move in a circular pattern around the rim of the sun. Unity is achieved when the components of a work of art are perceived as harmonious. The triangular pattern and repeating colors give the sun its harmonious and complete look.
I do not think that this painting has any symbolism. I believe that the artist just wanted to paint something that everyone has seen in a way that no one has seen it before. I’m guessing that he was just trying to present something in a different style than normal. I think that the artist wanted the viewers of this piece to see how such a simple pattern can seem very complex. He wanted the viewer to see it almost as an optical illusion. He probably wanted this painting to catch the eye. This painting reminds me of an optical allusion because the weird color pattern makes the triangular patter look “off”. This painting also makes me think of a pyramid. This is because the lines make it seem like the picture pops out and is 3- dimensional. This pattern relates to many 3D patterns. Although most 3D patterns are made using cubes or squares this painting has a simply amazing triangle/pyramid pattern. Plus this painting’s pattern can be interpreted in many different ways, such as many 3D patterns can be.
I feel that this work is success for two reasons and that it is a failure for one reason. One of the reasons that I feel that the artwork is finished is that it looks finished and completed. Another reason is that the piece is very eye-catching, which every piece should be. This piece seems like a failure to me because the painting could have been better, it seemed to be rushed. If other people were to judge this piece of art I would tell them to focus on the painting’s unique pattern and its complexity. Another thing to add to that would be to consider the difficult process the artist went through to make this piece of art. I feel that this work is very unique. I have never seen anything with this pattern or color scheme. I believe that the artist did a good job differentiating himself from his peers. I think that the artist could have taken more time to paint his work, as the painting looks slightly rushed. I also think that the painting would look better if more of the negative space was filled rather than be left untouched. In all though, I believe that that the “Geometric Sun” is a wonderful and unique piece of art.