Athena is the daughter of Zeus, the God of Gods and her mother was Metis, the Goddess of Wisdom Zeus was afraid that Athena was going to be a boy and there fore the son would be stronger than Zeus He thought that because when the God of Gods has a son then the son will be stronger than the God of Gods So Zeus turned Metis into a fly and ate her Then a pain started in Zeus’s head he told Hermes to open up his head and take out the pain So when he opened Zeus’s head Athena jumped out fully grown Athena was born from Zeus’s forehead
Athena was the Goddess of Wisdom, Arts, War, Skill, Industry, And Justice Most people know her of just the Goddess of Wisdom and War
Athens is a town in Greece Athena and her uncle Poseidon fought against each other to take over a town they both really liked The both of them were suppose to give the town a gift and which ever gift the town liked then the person who gave the gift would win the town Poseidon gave a spring(river or ocean), which stopped trade and the water was too salty to drink so the Greeks didn’t like the gift Athena gave the town a olive tree It was used for fruit, oil, and wood So they picked the olive tree gift So the town Athens was named after Athena herself
Although she is the Goddess of War she does not fight she chose’s the warriors who are wise While being the Goddess of Wisdom she has an owl by her side This is Athena’s owl
On the lower side of the olive tree is a grey leaf When the wind blows and brings up the leaves you can see Athena’s eyes
Athena’s nickname was Pallas Athena She got that nickname because Pallas was her friend when she was a child Until one day Athena injured Pallas accidently and then the injury killed Pallas So that Pallas would always be remembered Athena took her name
She helped Perseus kill Medusa She helped Odysseyus follow his dreams on his long journey home from Troy She told Heracles how to skin a Neaman Lion
Since Athena is Zeus’s favorite daughter he let her have… His insignia (a shield) His aegis (a ray)
Her Father- Zeus Her Mom- Metis Her Uncles- Poseidon, Hades Her Grandmother- Rhea Her Grandfather- Kronus Her Aunts- Hestia, Demeter, Hera Her Stepmother- Hera Her Half-sister- Atremis Her Half-Brothers- Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus Her Cousin- Aphrodite
Athena didn’t love any body She didn’t know any body who loved her either That is why she doesn’t have any children