Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics Poverty Measurement in Kazakhstan: Current Situation and Perspectives Switzerland, Geneva, 2-4 December 2013
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics Living Standards Statistics in : Major Indicators 2
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics Living Standards Statistics in : Major Indicators 3
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics Social subgroups under Subjective Household Welfare Assessment Survey in 2013: 4 Poor: lacking funds for food, clothes and footwear1 Not poor, but not middle class yet: income is sufficient to buy food, clothes and footwear, to pay for utilities, however, have difficulties to buy durable goods 2 Middle class: have no difficulties to buy food, major non-food items and services, however, income is insufficient to buy additional housing (apartment, house), an expensive car, etc. 3 Upper middle class: consume quality food, live in comfortable conditions, have job, business and/or earning assets, however, have no time for recreation and leisure 4 Rich: resources (knowledge, health, funds, assets, time) are sufficient for comfortable life 5
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics Household living conditions depending on social subgroups (March 2013) 5 в процентах 38,5 42,2 32,7 9,1 28,7 51,7 86,2 0 52,8 48,7 59,3 59,1 60,0 44,9 13,8 8,7 9,1 8,0 31,8 11,3 3,4 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% total urban rural Poor Not poor, but not middle class yet Middle class Upper middle class Rich goodsatisfactorypoor percent
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics 6 percent Monthly household income depending on social subgroup (March 2013) tenge 4,2 48,4 15,5 4,0 2,6 2,3 0,5 52,2 51,6 74,5 68,4 56,8 40,1 20,7 41,9 9,9 27,3 39,8 55,1 72,8 44,6 71,0 1,7 0,1 0,3 0,8 2,5 6,0 55,4 29,0 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Total households Less than – – – – – – Above poornot poor, but not middle class yetmiddle classupper middle classrich
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics 7 в процентах Distribution of households by health assessment (March 2013) Частота заболеваний Наличие/отсутствие проблем со здоровьем 19,9 80,1 25,0 17,2 33,1 24,7 26,0 74,0 18,2 19,9 31,5 30,4 32,5 67,5 13,4 19,3 32,7 34,6 38,0 62,0 4,1 19,5 36,0 40,4 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Have no health issues Have health issues continuously (chronic diseases) Once a month Once in 2-3 months-3 Once in 6 months poornot poor, but not middle class yetmiddle classupper middle classrich Disease incidence Health issues / no health issues
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics 8 в процентах Distribution of households by satisfaction with their lives (March 2013) 24,3 57,8 17,9 32,6 51,6 15,8 36,5 39,1 24,4 64,8 20,8 14,4 58,5 23,6 17,9 88,5 5,1 6,4 80,6 10,2 9,2 99,4 0,6 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Satisfied Not satisfied Difficult to answer Satisfied Not satisfied Difficult to answer poornot poor, but not middle class yetmiddle classupper middle classrich Distribution of households by satisfaction with economic situation (March 2013)
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics Opinions of households on the future of their children as compared to their living standards (March 2013) 9 в процентах 79,3 43,4 45,5 49,2 66,1 76,7 85,6 0,7 5,7 1,3 4,8 1,9 0,8 12,2 24,8 17,8 22,7 16,8 11,4 11,0 7,1 24,4 35,3 22,8 13,9 10,7 2,7 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Satisfied with their lives Not satisfied with their lives Difficult to answer poor not poor, but not middle class yet middle class upper middle class rich Better than we doWorse than we doDifficult to answer Much the same we do percent
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics 10 Household opinions on the first signs of economic crisis (March 2013) в процентах 24,1 44,7 73,0 8,6 4,8 0,6 13,5 46,5 28,4 33,3 75,5 5,7 1,3 12,7 47,1 27,1 73,8 8,9 2,3 13,5 38,9 35,4 23,7 70,0 13,8 8,3 3,8 9,0 35,3 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Decline of production Wage cuts, detention of wages Price rise for major goods and services Destabilized banking sector Drastic change in tenge/major currencies exchange rates FOREX deficit in Kazakhstan Reduction in budget expenditures Job cuts, growth of unemployment poornot poor, but not middle class yetmiddle classupper middle classrich percent
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics 11 Values of major MDG1 indicators in Kazakhstan ( ) percent 54,3 48,8 42,9 43,8 42,4 35,6 25,7 21,8 15,5 19,6 17,6 12,0 46,7 44,5 37,5 33,9 31,6 18,2 12,7 12,1 8,2 6,5 5,5 3,8 14,3 9,4 6,6 5,4 4,5 3,3 1,7 1,0 0,3 0,7 0,2 14,8 13,3 10,2 8,3 7,5 3,9 2,4 2,3 1,3 1,1 0,9 0,5 19,3 15,5 12,7 12,4 11,8 8,8 5,6 4,1 2,6 3,7 3,1 1,9 0,0 4,0 8,0 12,0 16,0 20,0 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60, Доля населения с доходами ниже 5USDпо ППС в деньProportion of population below subsistence minimum level Proportion of population below $5 (PPP) per dayPoverty gap ratio below subsistence minimum level Poverty gap ratio below $2.5 per dayPoverty gap ratio below $5 ((PPP) per day Proportion of population below $5 (PPP) per day
Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics 12 Values of major MDG1 indicators in Kazakhstan ( ) в процентах percent Proportion of employed people living below $5 (PPP) per day
Subsistence Minimum Level and Median Income Used for Consumption as thresholds for poverty measurement in Kazakhstan Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics 13 Food component 60% (43 items) Non-food component 40% (estimation) Consumption basket (subsistence minimum level) 2012 = 16,815 tenge or US$112.8 Income used for consumption 2012 (median) = 27,970 tenge or US$187.6 Median income used for consumption = US$ % of median income used for consumption = US$112.6 SML = US$112.8
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