By: Danielle Graber SOCIAL CLASSES
INTRO This PowerPoint is created to show how the social classes how changed from the 1900’s to today. Social class determines how a person is perceived, that person’s access to information, and what opportunities will be available to a person
THE UPPER CLASS The upper class is divided up into upper class and lower upper class The upper class is born into upper class (Ford, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt) Old money families The lower upper class is people who earn the income (Ceo, investors, actors, musicians) More financially stable than people born into wealth
MIDDLE CLASS middle class is made up of two classes under middle and middle. Upper middle is made up of politics, military, and successfulness in professions/business Middle is made up of teachers, firefighters, independent professions, nurses. Middle class is your average everyday worker that gets paid enough to pay your bills and save just a little.
LOWER CLASS Lower class is made up of underclass and working poor. Underclass is made up of people of a history of unemployment. The working poor is made up of people that make only minimum wage
SOCIAL CLASS PERCENTAGES 1% of Americans are of the upper class 40-50% of Americans are in the middle class 14% is the upper middle class 30% is the middle class 13% of Americans are in the working poor class 12% of Americans are in the underclass
Social classes change every year, every decade. It just depends on the government and how our economy is changing. Your social class depends on race, gender, and age.
In 2010 alone almost 50% of Americans are of the working and middle classes. Imagine by the time it’s the year 2020 that percent will the be almost 80% because how much our economy changes.
WORKS CITED in-America-Social-Classes in-America-Social-Classes