Greetings from Cameroon “Sorry we cannot be with you in Peru, but we are happy to send our report from the Lutheran Church of Cameroon (LCC)”
Cameroon -we are here! Two nicknames: “Little Africa” The “Hinge of Africa” Two Seasons Rainy Dry
KUMBA Our working area: Primarily 2 (English-speaking) regions. Outreach (?) potential to other 8 (French- speaking) regions Headquarters and Seminary buildings at Kumba
Current Statistics 16 pastors 34 congregations + 7 preaching stations (= 865 baptized members) with 36 “Certified Assistants” with some theological training
“Early” history 1970 – Pastor Paul Chonasen requests affiliation w/ WELS 1971 – Pastor EH Wendland visits and recommends WELS to affiliate with LCC 1975 – WELS accepts affiliation with LCC 1988 – 9 LCC pastors attend a 2 week training course 1999 – Four year seminary course completed
“Recent History” 2007 – After a series of short-term missionaries and volunteers, Pastor Dan Myers comes on field to train called workers – Pastor Myers returns to US due to health problems; called to eternity September – Pastor Dan Kroll (former missionary to Zambia) arrives on field Current contact:
Seminary at Barombi Kang (Kumba) Chapel Classroom Dormitory
Under President Ewang Joseph Njumbe We hope to re-start the seminary program for the building of the Lord’s kingdom in Cameroon…
“… until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” - Ephesians 4:13