Water up, Water down
Verse 1 Water up, water down, water all around A plant has water everywhere when water’s in the ground. Xylem up, phloem down, roots and leaves abound With water up, water down, water all around.
Verse 2 Plants in a lake or in the ocean blue Need water up, water down for buoyancy, too. But plants on land gotta worry ‘bout the heat And how they’re gonna stand without any feet
Verse 3 Ya gotta have water for to make your food If you’re green and you’re sessile and it never gets chewed. There’s a wealth of CO 2 and the sun is shining through But ya gotta have water if ya’ll ever say you grew.
Verse 4 A few root hairs and a fungus on the side Increase the surface area that’s able to provide Water to the root, steele and the cambium. Continue up the xylem into the plant stem.
Verse 5 Then on to the branches and smaller branches still Maybe out to the buds where the petioles will Carry water further up to the leaves in the air. Mesophyll cells do photosynthesis there.
Verse 6 Some water transpires through the stomata holes If the leaf has enough that turgor pressure holds So the water is continuous in every tissue found It’s water up, water down, water all around.
Reprise verse 1 Water up, water down, water all around A plant has water everywhere when water’s in the ground. Xylem up, phloem down, roots and leaves abound With water up, water down, water all around.