The cloud is not safe Pract The Facts
Click to see video Illegal Activity Online Pract The Facts
Reasons why the cloud is not safe 1.Someone else is managing your data. 2.Cyber Attacks 3.Insider Attacks 4.Government Intrusion 5.Legal Liability 6.Lack of Standardization 7.Lack of Support 8.Effective Data Backup Pract The Facts
Cyber attacks have been a hot topic in the news lately. A cyber attack is when someone tries to gain access to a computer, or track its users movement without their permission. Pract The Facts
Types of Cyber Attacks Pract The Facts
Innocuous: This type of an attack is not designed to cause any damage to the users computer. It is used to gather information about the user. For examples financial information, passwords, important documents, etc. Pract The Facts
Malevolent: These attacks are designed to cause harm to the computer or other related equipment. These types of attacks are sometimes called cyber terrorism because they are used to bring down or disrupt an organizations infrastructure. Pract The Facts
Cyber terrorism threats: 1.Company computer systems 2.Government computer systems 3.Personal computers 4.Utility company operations Pract The Facts
Cyber attacks in the news Click to display video. Pract The Facts
Other examples of cyber attacks on Cloud users: NSA….Government information Icloud….Celebrity photos Adobe cloud….Customer information, credit cards Netflix Pininterest Xerox Instagram Pract The Facts
What we covered in this lesson: 1.Why the Cloud is not safe. 2.Cyber Attacks 3.Cyber Terrorism Pract The Facts