Brooke Arends Crude Oil & Petroleum
What’re they used for? Crude Oil Gasoline. Diesel fuel. Heating oil. Jet fuel. Kerosene. Residential fuel oil. Petroleum Lubricants. Asphalts. Gasoline. Rubber. Plastic. Kerosene.
Their effects on the Earth: Crude Oil Oil spills take place in the oceans, polluting the waters. Petroleum When burned, petroleum releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
Their effects on wildlife: Crude Oil Oil spills in the ocean destroy habitats. They cover marine animals in a thick layer of oil and inhibit their ability to survive. Petroleum Causes animals to have trouble breeding. Pretty much has the same effects as crude oil, but petroleum’s effects doesn’t last as long.
How’re they turned to useful energy? Crude Oil Oil rigs are set up, to drill into the Earth and pump out oil. It is then carried either by pipe or ship. Petroleum Petroleum is refined and separated, most easily by boiling point, into consumer products.
Danger in using these fossil fuels: Both of these, if not handled correctly, can be hazardous to the environment. Petroleum is used to make plastics, children choke on small plastic toys. Crude oil has neurotoxins in it that if swam in, or anything along the lines, could do damage. Especially to young children.