CURE: Prior Stroke or TIA OutcomeC + ASAASAHRP value MI/stroke/ CV death 49/274 (17.9%)52/232 (22.4)0.74 (0.50, 1.10)0.13 Non-CABG TIMI major bleeding 2/274 (0.7%)2/232 (0.9%)0.83 (0.12, 5.88)0.85 Net clinical benefit outcome 49/274 (17.9%)60/232 (25.9%)0.64 (0.44, 0.93)0.02 (N=506) No significant interaction for any outcome Courtesy of Dr. John Eikelboom C=clopidogrel CURE trial (unpublished data)
CURE: Prior Stroke, Age ≥75, Weight <60 kg OutcomeC + ASAASAHR (95% CI)P value MI/stroke/ CV death 279/1763 (15.8%)303/1732 (17.5%)0.89 (0.75, 1.04)0.15 Non-CABG TIMI major bleeding 19/1763 (1.1%)15/1732 (0.9%)1.23 (0.63, 2.42)0.55 Net clinical benefit outcome 298/1763 (16.9%)334/1732 (19.3%)0.86 (0.73, 1.00)0.05 (N=3495) No significant interaction for any outcome CURE trial (unpublished data) Courtesy of Dr. John Eikelboom
CURE and TRITON-TIMI 38: Prior Stroke or TIA Outcome Relative riskAbsolute risk CURETRITONCURETRITON MI/stroke/CV death↓26%↑37%↓45/1000↑47/1000 Non-CABG TIMI major bleeding ↓17%↑146%↓2/1000↑21/1000 Net clinical benefit outcome ↓36%*↑54%*↓80/1000*↑70/1000* *P<0.05 Courtesy of Dr. John Eikelboom; Wiviott et al. N Engl J Med 2007;357(20): CURE trial (unpublished data)