G ROUP 5 P ROJECT P LAN AND P ROJECT Dan Kreisher Dan Laicha Rania Kokandy Katie Magee
W HERE HAVE YOU BEEN ? Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming Yosemite National Park, California Arches National Park, Utah Other?
H OW DID WE CHOOSE THE TOPIC ? We have members of this group that have traveled across the country and have an active interest in the subject of America's national parks and surrounding areas. We thought our activity would be a good fit for this subject. This activity involves strategic planning and problem solving.
T OPIC O VERVIEW General Topic: Geography Specific Topic: National Park Hikes Audience: High school students and above; these students must have skills related to geography to be able to find where various places are located. Activity: Action Research
T HE T ASK Learners will be mapping out their own individual hikes in various national parks in the United States. Additionally, they will select the correct amount of materials dependent on the length and terrain of the hike. Learners will display their hike using Glogster.
P ROCESS Step 1: Learners will be grouped in 2's and 3's and assigned a national park from the list below. Grand Tetons Arches Yosemite Zion Rocky Mountain Grand Canyon Mesa Verde Canyonlands
C HOOSE A N ATIONAL P ARK ! Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming Yosemite National Park, California Arches National Park, Utah Yellowstone National Park Scroll Down to see next
P ROCESS CONT. Step 2: Research the assigned national park and answer the following questions below. 1. Where is the park located? 2. How many people visit each year? 3. What is the climate like? 4. What features is the park known for? 5. What types of terrain can be found?
P ROCESS CONT. Step 3: Use Google Maps to construct a hiking route. Your hike must include at least two points of interest. Things to note: length of hike (miles) points of interest along route terrain
P ROCESS C ONT. Step 4: Decide what supplies to bring in order to make the hike enjoyable and successful. List the items that are necessities and explain why. Be sure to consider the things from step 3 when compiling your list. List 2 items that are not necessities that one would take hiking and explain why these things are not essential for your hike.
P ROCESS CONT. Step 5: Using Glogster, compile the information from your research and analysis. Things to include: o map with hiking route o breakdown of hike (miles, terrain, climate) o info. gathered from park research o list of supplies o images
E VALUATION AdvancedProficientBasicBelow Basic Category / Score (x 2) 4321 Route Research Route chosen and all 5 research questions are answered in complete sentences using correct grammar. Route chosen, but not all research questions are answered in complete sentences using correct grammar. Route chosen and less than 3 research questions are answered in complete sentences using correct grammar. No research questions were submitted or completed. Category / Score (x 2) 4321 Route Planning (Google Map) There are two points of interest chosen per hike. Map is included Terrain is noted. Length of hike is noted. There are two points of interest chosen per hike. Map is included Terrain is noted. Length of hike is missing. There are two points of interest chosen per hike. Map is missing. Terrain is missing. Length of hike is missing. All pertinent information for the hike is missing.
E VALUATION Category / Score (x2) 4321 Supplies Planning List of at least 5 necessary items required for your hike. At least 2 other items must be listed that are not necessities. At least two paragraphs (3-5 sentences) summarizing why and why you do not need these items. List of at least 5 necessary items required for your hike. Missing two non-required items. At least two paragraphs (3-5 sentences) summarizing why and why you do not need these items. List of at least 5 necessary items required for your hike. Missing two non-required items Missing itemized summary. Missing all required supplies planing. Category / Score (x 2) 4321 Portfolio (Glogster) Portfolio is completed on Glogster with all required information, images, and multimedia. Portfolio is done using Glogster. Includes information and multimedia. Craftsmanship is lacking. Portfolio is done using Glogster. Does not contain any multimedia. Portfolio is incomplete. TOTAL:
R EFLECTIONS FROM EACH GROUP MEMBER Dan L: I think this activity would be a good learning experience. I think they would be using many different resources to solve a problem. Katie: I can see history/geography teachers using this activity. I'm not a big hiker but would have LOVED doing this project if it were assigned! It would be great to do cross-curricularly, too. Rania Kokandy: I think this activity would be a great guidance for hiking. Every hiker would benefit from this activity. Dan Kreisher: This activity would be a great activity for a geography classroom. It involves some inquiry based learning which will keep students engaged. In addition, the activity allows students to reflect upon their experience and document their learning.