Research Areas at FAIR Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei - Radioactive Beams Nucleonic matter Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental symmetries Hadron Structure and Quark-Gluon Dynamics - Antiprotons Non-pertubative QCD Quark-gluon degrees of freedom Confinement and chiral symmetry Nuclear Matter and the Quark-Gluon Plasma - Relativistic HI - Beams Nuclear phase diagram Compressed nuclear/strange matter Deconfinement and chiral symmetry Physics of Dense Plasmas and Bulk Matter - Bunch Compression Properties of high density plasmas Phase transitions and equation of state Laser - ion interaction with and in plasmas Ultra High EM-Fields and Applications - Ions & Petawatt Laser QED and critical fields Ion - laser interaction Ion - matter interaction SIS 18 Ion Beam Heating Jupiter Sun Surface Magnetic Fusion solid state density Temperature [eV] Density [cm -3 ] Laser Heating PHELIX Ideal plasmas Strongly coupled plasmas Sun Core Inertial Cofinement Fusion
Primary Beams GeV/u; 238 U 28+, /s; 35 GeV/u, 238 U /s 30 GeV protons 4x10 13 /s Secondary Beams radioactive beams, factor 10 4 intensity Antiprotons GeV Storage and Cooler Rings Radioactive beams e – A collider antiprotons GeV stored and cooled The New Facility and its Characteristics Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets Cooled beams Key Technical Features Existing New SIS 100/300 UNILAC SIS 18 ESR HESR CR NESR Super FRS
STI-FAIR Scientific + Technical Issues Sidney Gales AFI-FAIR Administrative + Funding Issues H.F.Wagner ISC-FAIR Internat. Steering Committee H.Schunck PAC QCD PAC NUSTAR PAC APPA TAC Observer FAIR Projekt The Multi-National FAIR Project J. Eschke 2004
Financing FAIR Total cost: 675 M €, (TDR) recent update 1 Mrd € (increase of prices) German govermnent: 65% State of Hesse: 10% International Partners: 25% Final decision on construction of FAIR after commitment of partner states to contribute 25% of construcgtion cost
MoU Contract Development Contract Negotiations Closing LoI's Proposals / TR's PAC's Technical Committee TDR's Signing of MoU Phase I – Governed by MoU Phase II Governed by contracts
Technical reports (accelerators and Super FRS) and design reports (Proposed experiments) have been submitted Evaluation mid March 2005
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) September 23, 2004 in Berlin FAIR member countries: Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Greece Observers: Hungary, Poland, India, China, USA
Stage 1: Civil Construction Ringtunnel for double ring synchrotron incl. technical buildings Buildings housing the SFRS, the CR and NESR plus nuclear structure and atomic physics experiments Office building Accelerator 2 x /puls U 28+ at 200 AMeV 4 x /puls U 73+ at 1000 AMeV 4 Hz up to 12 Tm; 1 Hz up to 18 Tm Bunch compression to 70 ns Research Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics (gain factor in intensities for radioactive secondary beams: ~100) Plasma physics at 'old' facility (gain factor in power density: ~200) Atomic physics studies with highly charged/radioactive ion beams Staged construction scenario
Stage 2: HESR Civil Construction (completed) p linac building HESR building Buildings housing nuclear collision, plasma physics and atomic physics experiments Accelerator 1 x /puls U 28+ at 2,7 AGeV 1 x /puls U 73+ at 8,3 AGeV (Ne 10+ to 14 AGeV) Bunch compression to 50 ns 2,5 x /puls protons up to 29 GeV up to antiprotons accumulated, stored and cooled in the HESR up to 15 GeV low (down to zero) energy antiprotons at NESR and HITRAP Research Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics (full gain factor in intensities for radioactive secondary beams: ~ ) QCD studies with protons and antiprotons Precision studies with antiprotonn beams for fundamental symmetries and interactions
Stage 3: Accelerator 2 x 10 9 /puls U 92+ up to 34 AGeV Stretcher option with long extraction times from seconds up to minutes High energy e-cooling for HESR Research Full energy and luminosity for nuclear collisions program at CBM Precision QCD Studies at PANDA up to 15 GeV Plasma research (full gain factor in power density: ~2500) Atomic reaction studies with fast beams Full parallel operation of up to four experiments
Planning of Civil Construction / Layout of Buildings
SIS100/300 Underground Tunnel 5 m -24 m Tunnel in Open-Pit Construction
Superconducting Magnets for SIS 100 Collaboration: JINR (Dubna) Iron Dominated (window frame type) superferric design Maximum magnetic field: 2 T Ramp rate: 4 T/s Hollow-tube superconducting cable, indirectly cooled Two-phase helium cooling Collaboration: JINR (Dubna) Iron Dominated (window frame type) superferric design Maximum magnetic field: 2 T Ramp rate: 4 T/s Hollow-tube superconducting cable, indirectly cooled Two-phase helium cooling Nuclotron Dipole Improvement of DC-field quality 2D / 3D calculations Guarantee of long term mechanical stability (≥ 2 10 8 cycles ) concern: coil restraint in the gap, fatigue of the conductor Reduction of eddy / persistent current effects (field, losses) Improvement of DC-field quality 2D / 3D calculations Guarantee of long term mechanical stability (≥ 2 10 8 cycles ) concern: coil restraint in the gap, fatigue of the conductor Reduction of eddy / persistent current effects (field, losses)
PAC on QCD: ASSIA Study of Spin-dependent Interactions with AntiprotonsR.Bertini Torino CBM Compressed Baryonic Matter ExperimentP.SengerGSI DIRAC Tests of Low Energy QCDL.NemenovJINR Dubna PANDA Strong Interaction Studies with AntiprotonsU.WiednerTSL Uppsala PAX Antiproton-Proton Scattering Experiments with PolarizationF.RathmannFZJ PAC on Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics and Applications (APPA-PAC): Laser Cooling of Highly Charged Ions at SIS 100/300U. SchrammLMU FLAIR - A Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion ResearchE. Wiedman Tokyo Anti-deuteron Breeding in a Double Ring ColliderW. Oehlert FZ-Jülich SPARC Stored Particles in Atomic physics ResearchR. SchuchStockholm HEDGEHOB: High Energy Density matter GEenerated by Heavy-iOn BeamsD. Varentsov Darmstadt Applications of Relativistic Ions in Radiobiology and Space ResearchM. DuranteNapoli Materials Research with Relativistic Heavy Ion BeamsS. KlaumünzerHMI Radiative Properties of Warm Dense MatterF. B. RosmejMarseille Letters of Intent (LoI) 834 users 505 users
Letters of Intent (LoI) PAC on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics (NUSTAR-PAC): 1.) Low Energy Branch (LEB).Scheidenberger GSI High-resolution In-Flight Spectroscopy (HISPEC)J. Gerl GSI Decay Spectroscopy with Implanted Ion Beams (DESPEC)J. Woods Edinburgh Precision Measurements of very short-lived Nuclei using an Advanced Trapping System for highly-charged Ions (MATS)K.Blaum Mainz LASER Spectroscopy for the Study of Nuclear Properties (LASPEC)W.Nörtershäuser GSI Neutron Capture Measurements (NCAP)M.Heil FZK Antiprotonic Radioactive Nuclides (Exo+pbar)M. Wada Riken 2.) High Energy Branch (R3B) A Universal Setup for Kinematical Complete Measurements of Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams (R3B)T. Aumann GSI 3.) Ring Branch (STORIB) Study of Isomeric Beams, Lifetimes and Masses (ILIMA)Y.Novikov SPNPI Exotic Nuclei Studied in Light-Ion Induced Reactions at the NESR Storage Ring (EXL)H. Emling GSI Electron-Ion Scattering in a Storage Ring (e-A Collider) (ELISe)H. Simon GSI Antiproton-Ion Collider: A Tool for the Measurement of Neutron and Proton rms radii of Stable and Radioactive Nuclei (pbarA)P. Kienle TUM Spectroscopy of Pionic Atoms with Unstable Nuclei (PIONIC)K. Itahashi Riken 619 users
Collaborations at Large Setups Hadron Physics with Antiproton Beams Physics of Nuclear Matter CBM Collaboration (W.Mueller)PANDA Collaboration (H. Orth) Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics,Reactions NUSTAR Collaboration Super FRS
The NUSTAR-Facility Phase 1 The Concept has been developed within FINA
SHE – Status and Perspectives GSI JINR Next at GSI RIKEN RIKEN: Discovery of element 113 Roentgenium (Rg) has been accepted for Z = 111
SHE Production Cross-Sections 22 Ne 34 S 26 Mg 30 Si 31 P 27 Al 48 Ca DL claims: pb Courtesy V. Koch
FINUPHY Supported The Future of Superheavy Element Research February , 2004 GSI, D armstadt, Germany S. Hofmann, 60th birthday 3rd Workshop on Recoil Separator for Superheavy Element Chemistry August 27, 2004, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany Recoil Separator for Superheavy Element Chemistry Develop Strategies for GSI Research and Strengthen the Infrastructure Results: GSI projects Intensity upgrade TASCA
New RFQ-structure: gain of the duty factor higher injection energy increased acceptance Additional 28 GHz-ion-source: intensity gain of factor two higher charge states for increased duty factor LEBT – Laminated magnets: redundance for ion sources preparation for future pulse to pulse operation with different ion-species 50% duty factor intensity-gain factor x2 New Front-end for the High Charge - State Injector
Darmstadt TASCA Gas-filled recoil separator with maximized transmission (efficiency) for transactinides (SHE; Z ≥ 104) from hot-fusion reactions with actinide targets, in particular for: Chemical investigations of elements 104 – 116 (Towars picobarn chemistry) Nuclear structure and nuclear reaction investigations of the most n-rich nuclides Matthias Schädel, GSI, NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2005 TASCA : TASCA TASCA : TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus
Darmstadt TASCA TASCA Beam Line + TASCA (DQQ) Dipole, 31 0 Quadrupoles horiz. vertic. Detector chambers Target Differential pumping and beam collimating Beam diagnosis Beam wobbler Valves slow fast UNILAC Beam
European Consortium of Stable Beams (ECOS) High Intensity Stable Beams (HISB) Mandate "Its task will be to go through the physics case presented by the French community, identify collaborations as well as the technical requirements and prepare a document for NuPECC. " Minutes, NuPECC Meeting, Orsay, April 23-24, 2004 Members Faiçal Azaiez (Chair) Giacomo De Angelis Rolf-Dieter Herzberg Sigurd Hofmann Rauno Julin Marie-Hélène Moscatello Anna Maria Porcellato Uli Ratzinger Meetings continue
The low energy nuclear structure community has well defined and promising research programs for the future. Many of them are based on measurements to be carried out using higher intensity stable beams. The in-beam studies will benefit from the high segmentation of new detection Systems and from digital electronics, in order to allow the increase of beam intensity by one order to two orders of magnitude ( up to few 100pnA). Other approaches using detection systems after a separator (focal plane) require a stable beam facility with very high intensities ( up to 100p A) In all the cases a dedicated detection system is needed to run experiments with longer beam time. Existing European facilities Legnaro, JYFL, GSI (unilac), Ganil (CSS1) Projects of very high intensity injectors for SPES and SPIRAL2
ECOS Strategy At the meetings in Orsay (April 2004) and Legnaro October 2004) reports were given by the members of ECOS on the present status and future plans of their home accelerator facilities or main experimental work with respect to production and use of intensive beams of stable isotopes. It is planned in a next step at the meeting in Jyvaskylae early 2005 to use this collection of information and data for preparation of a report on a most efficient and economic way to prepare high intensive stable beams for use in experiments. This report will be presented to NuPECC.