Sudoku Project: SDS Taryn, Jin, Jehsang, Phil and Matt
Overview Talk about the system –System UML diagram –Sequence diagram for playing a new puzzle –Sequence diagram for registering Planned features for prototype/final product
The System
Playing a New Game User enters desired difficulty level, pushes start User enters numbers on the Sudoku grid User pushes the “Finished” button. If the puzzle was correct, the time it took to solve is shown to the user
Registering for the Site User decides to register and navigates to the registration page They enter a desired ID and we check the database to see if the ID is available User submits all registration information and they are taken to the confirmation page if registration was successful.
Features of the Prototype Users should be able to register to the site – not bug free (no mechanism for checking existing ID) Users should be able to login/logout – not bug free (may or may not be maintained across multiple page loads, no mechanism for securing password) Users should be able to play at least one unique game of Sudoku (regardless of registration status) via our UI – some bugs will be allowed at this stage –Will not record best times for users –Will keep time during game play No mechanism for verifying the integrity of submitted games
Features of the Final Product Users should be able to interactively register to the site (complete w/ check if ID is available) Users should be able to login/logout – but free (user should be able to navigate site without having to login/logout a second time unless desired) Random games will be generated on the fly according to varying levels of difficulty UI will have a professional appearance Users will be able to play any number of games of Sudoku (regardless of registration status) via our UI – no bugs, very robust –Will record best times for users across various difficulty classes –Will record global best times across users for each difficulty level Users will be able to request hints as to whether their puzzle has any mistakes Mechanism for verifying integrity of submitted games implemented