At vocational college, students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular job. These colleges focus mainly on job- specific skills, and as such have been considered more to be devoted to field training. These colleges vary in the number of years to complete and prepare students for work right after. Physician’s Assistant Mechanic Electrician Contractor Metal Worker Plumber Computer Specialist
Sometimes called Junior College or City College, are primarily two-year public institutions providing higher education and granting certificates, diplomas, and associate’s degrees. After graduating from a community college, some students transfer to a 4-year College or University to complete a Bachelor’s Degree.
A university is an institution of higher education and research that grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects and provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. A typical University will have Graduate Schools within it. These schools offer at least a Master’s Degree.
A professional college is a higher level education school that prepares students for careers in specific professional fields. These schools may typically be attended upon completion of at least an undergraduate degree (bachelor’s degree) Dental School Pharmacy School Business School Journalism School Veterinarian School Law School Medical School