Welcome to Kingdown School Post –16 Evening 2011 Believe, Aspire, Achieve
The Team Mr Evans (Head of VI Form) Mr Porter (SLT link, strategic decisions) Mr Munro (UCAS) Heads of House Tutor Mrs Hjelm (Able, Gifted and Talented) Mrs Fielding (Admin support) Mrs Dufosee (Admin support) Student Leadership Team Careers Team (Mrs Lawson, Mrs Gibson) School Counsellor
Our Aim To ensure that a growing Sixth Form with increasingly diverse needs, are ready to live and work in a challenging, competitive and fast changing world
Objectives Every student has made, at least, good progress (academic and as a person) Students are ready for University, or employment All students have enjoyed their Sixth Form experience and used their time well All students have contributed to the school, or wider community Students have the qualities needed for a tough economic climate; e.g. independence, resilience, good communication skills To develop Sixth Form identity in a vertical and House system
Some of the benefits! Outstanding Sixth Form (Ofsted 2008) Excellent results and significant value added Inspirational and challenging lessons (LA Inspection 09) A wide range of courses for all abilities Excellent completion and retention rates Outstanding personal development (LA Inspection 09) Superb systems for tracking progress (LA Inspection 09) A range of social activities Thorough preparation for university and work Accessible and quality careers advice Effective enrichment programme Good study facilities
Results Pass rate 98% -100% Met or exceeded all key targets CVA - top 20% of schools nationally Listed in the Times top 200 Sixth Forms 2009 – 53% A or B, 78% A - C 2010 – 45% A*, A or B, 75% A* - C 2011 – 48% A*, A or B, 78% A* - C
What have we been doing? Listening to and getting our students involved 121 support/personal issues Improving communication Enhancing the University/non-UCAS process Tighter tracking and monitoring Improving image and culture Increasing responsibilities Developing the councils Praise and reward
The Opportunities You develop and grow Improve skills such as leadership and confidence Involvement in councils amongst other responsibilities You become a role model of the school You become a leader in your tutor group
The Social and the Academic Finding the right balance for you; everyone is different Part time work/jobs Having a social life (it is possible) Keeping on top of your work load You are now the boss of your own learning
Rights and Responsibilities You can wear your own clothes!!! You are responsible for your learning and equipment You become responsible for mentoring a new Year 7, helping them to settle in. You are responsible for acting as a good role model to the rest of the school
Courses on offer…. Art Art & Design (Applied) Beauty (Level 2) Biology Business (Applied) Business Studies Chemistry Design English Language/Literature English Literature French Geography GCSE Retakes English & Maths Hairdressing (Level 2) Health/Social Care (Applied) History Information Tech (OCR National) Maths and Stats, or Mechanics Further Maths Media Studies Performance Studies Philosophy Physical Education Physics Psychology Public Services (Level 2) Science (Applied) Sociology Sport (BTEC/Applied) Theatre Studies Travel and Tourism Workskills (Level 2)
Red Route (Level 3) Traditional A Levels 5 A*- C grades at GCSE including English and Maths Must have B’s in related subjects 4 subjects at AS, or 4 option blocks (possibly 5) Mostly exams Can choose subjects from purple section
Purple Route (Level 3) Applied/Practical A Levels 5 or more GCSEs at grade A*- C Most subjects will require a ‘C’ in Maths and English 3/4 subjects at AS, or 3/4 option blocks Mix of coursework, practical and exams Might be possible to do some red route courses
Green Route (Level 2) Applied/Practical courses 5 A*- E grades at GCSE GCSE equivalent/standard Mostly coursework, or practical activities Package to suit students Possible 3 year option
Routeway Pool APool BPool CPool DPool E Red History PE Physics Psychology English Language / Literature Further Maths Geography Chemistry Design French Philosophy Art Biology Business Studies English Literature Maths Sociology Theatre Studies Purple Applied Art (Double) BTEC Sport (Single) Health & Social Care Travel and Tourism Design Media Studies Applied Science Applied Art (Double) ICT BTEC Sport (Triple) Applied Business BTEC Sport (Double) Green BTEC Work Skills BTEC Public Services City and Guilds Hairdressing; City and Guilds Beauty Therapy GCSE English and Maths Retake Level 2 ICT
What is different about an Applied course? More emphasis on coursework Longer deadlines Less pressure on final exams Closely linked to employment Different learning and assessment No difference on grades/points
Things to consider this evening! How the subject helps/links to next career step The student’s strengths e.g. learning style Balance of subjects and combinations What do the Universities/Employers want? How many subjects? Required GCSE grades in subjects Will I enjoy the subject?
What next? Tonight Please stay seated (collect information outside the hall) Chat to staff and get student opinion Consider subject combinations that fit in with the pools Take into account information on previous slide After tonight Read all information carefully e.g. course information Information evenings and interviews Opportunities for advice New Sixth Induction (July 3 rd – 5th) GCSE results 16th August 2012 Speak to current students Contact the careers advisor