Telesnap 2009 Release OCS Gateway
Telesnap OCS Gateway Snapware Server JTAPI Cisco UCM Telesnap OCS Gateway TAPI CSTA ASN1 CSTA XML TSAPI Aastra OpenCom Ascotel Aastra 5000 Aastra MX-ONE Siemens HP8000 Avaya AlcatelCisco UCM Nortel Aastra Business Phone Siemens Call control and line state for OCS Client for non SIP PBX’s via Telesnap OCS Gateway Doc.No.: ASE/APP/PLM/ 0161 / EN Aastra MX-ONE Aastra 800
Specification Server: Windows 2000 Server / Windows 2003 Server CPU 2,4 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB Disk Supported OCS Environment: Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Features: Line State, Make Call, Answer Call, Clear Call, Deflect Call, Hold Call, Consultation Call, Alternate Call, Transfer Call, Set Forwarding Additional requirements: CSTA / TAPI Monitor licenses and CTI Server (PBX dependent) Scalability 1000 OCS User on one Server for larger environments the Server can be clustered Doc.No.: ASE/APP/PLM/ 0161 / EN
key benefits call control and line state for enterprise PBX’s in the Microsoft Office Communicator Client vendor agnostic OCS Gateway Other OCS Gateways can only support one PBX or one vendor (e.g. Ericsson ECT) support for Aastra portfolio Aastra 800, Aastra 5000, IntelliGate, OpenCom 1000, MX-ONE, MD110 and Business Phone addressing customers that currently can not provided with the Telesnap portfolio Same server platform and configuration interface as other Telesnap products (Snapware, Telesnap Attendant, SAP Connector,..) Doc.No.: ASE/APP/PLM/ 0161 / EN
Background I The OCS Gateway bases on components we developed for the Enterprise Business Gateway. This is an Ericsson project for the customer Telefonica. The mobile provider requested a PBX agnostic interface for Enterprise PBX’s to build common services for the mobile and enterprise world. Telesnap developed a CSTA Web Service Interface (ECMA 348) on top of the Snapware Server. Operator Business Gateway Operator Enterprise Business Gateway (EBG) Enterprise Snapware Server JCS JTAPI Call Server Cisco UCM CSTA 323 Interface (CSTA XML) CSTA 348 Interface (CSTA WebService) Doc.No.: ASE/APP/PLM/ 0161 / EN
Background II Snapware Server JTAPI Cisco UCM CSTA 323 Interface (CSTA XML) CSTA 348 Interface (CSTA WebService) uaCSTA Interface* TAPI CSTA ASN1 CSTA XML TSAPI Aastra OpenCom Ascotel Aastra 5000 Aastra MX-ONE Avaya AlcatelCisco UCM Nortel Aastra Business Phone Siemens For the OCS Gateway we reused the CSTA XML layer to build the uaCSTA Interface (ECMA TR87) Doc.No.: ASE/APP/PLM/ 0161 / EN Aastra MX-ONE Aastra 800 Siemens HP8000