Radiation Protection of the Environment (Environment Agency Course, July 2015)
be aware of ‘Reference Organisms’ understand how activity concentrations in organisms are predicted (if not known) appreciate how transfer parameters are selected when data are lacking By the end of this presentation and practical you should….
‘A series of imaginary entities that provides a basis for the estimation of the radiation dose rate to a range of organisms that are typical, or representative, of a contaminated environment. These estimates, in turn, would provide a basis for assessing the likelihood and degree of radiation effects. It is important to recognise that they are not a direct representation of any identifiable animal or plant species’
Selection criteria, reference organisms should encompass: Organisms likely to have comparatively high exposures Radiosensitive organisms Protected (European) species Range of trophic levels ICRPs proposed Reference Animals and Plants
Lichen & bryophytes Grasses & herbs Shrub Tree Mollusc - gastropod Flying insect Arthropod – detritivorous Annelid Mammal - large Bird Mammal – small-burrowing Reptile Amphibian Transfer (& effects) data collated at these broad levels ‘Representative’ geometry selected for dosimetry
Mammal –large Mammal – small-burrowing Flying insect Annelid Bird Amphibian Pelagic fish Benthic fish Crustacean Tree Grasses & herbs Macroalgae
Most approaches use concentration ratios (CR)
x CR = Bq/kg
Time Activity Statistical exponential process Half-life = Time taken for activity to reduce by 50% CR is by element NOT isotope ‘half-life’ ignored
Water Sediment
Freshwater RadionuclideFishVascular plantMolluscReptileAlgaePhytoplanktonCrustaceanInsect larvaeInsectZooplanktonMammalAmphibian Cs Sr Am Cm Pu Ra Ce Co Mn U Pb Cd Po Sb Se I Ni Th Zr Eu Ru Cl P Np S Tc Te Ag Nb n≤10 n>10<20 n>20<100 n≥100
To derive concentration limits (EMCLs) for Tier 1 Provide user with ‘best estimate’ CR & k d values for Tier 2/3 if no/insufficient: measured activity concentrations in biota (water/ sediment) site specific CR or k d values Therefore need: Complete set of CR & kd values for all organism-radionuclide combinations considered in tool (Tier 1) Probability distribution function
The ERICA tool considers 39 elements for 13 terrestrial, 13 freshwater and 13 marine reference organisms 1521 CR values required Sufficient data available for 622 of these The rest??
Input water and sediment concentrations Biota concentration estimated as water conc. x CR Sediment used in external dose calculation .... But if do not have water concentrations – what then? Water concentrations estimated as biota conc./CR and/or sediment conc./Kd Missing biota and/or sediment concs then estimated using predicted water concs and CRs & Kd respectively
Freshwater ecosystem Select Pu-240 & all organisms No water data but have sediment (n=15), fish (n=150) & amphibian (n=3) activity concentrations Sediment 8000 Bq/kg DM (70% DM content) Fish 1E-1 Bq/kg FW Amphibian 1E-3 Bq/kg (FW)