Requesting a New Password on ISEE Idaho State Department of Education January 6, 2012
Idaho Instructional Management System Requesting a New Password 2 System will direct you to the screen noted here. Select SDE if you are an employee of the St. Dept. of Education. Select Meridian Joint School District (002) if you are an employee of the MJSD. Select Other if you are an employee of another school district or educational organization.
Idaho Instructional Management System Requesting a New Password 3 If the User is from SDE, contact the SDE IT Dept. for password reset assistance. If the User is from the MJSD, contact the MJSD for password reset assistance.
Idaho Instructional Management System Requesting a New Password 4 If the User is from another educational entity and needs to reset his/her ISEE password, proceed to the following slide.
Idaho Instructional Management System Requesting a New Password 5 To reset a password, click on the “lost your password” link.
Idaho Instructional Management System Requesting a New Password After clicking on the “lost your password” link, you will be directed to the Request New Password page Data enter the security words shown in the box. Click on “Request New Password”. Enter your User Name (typically your school district address). 3
Idaho Instructional Management System Requesting a New Password After clicking on “Request New Password” link, the system will send you this message indicating the request was received. You will need to access your account to complete the New Password Process. This message is being reworked to provide better guidance to the User. 1 7
Idaho Instructional Management System Requesting a New Password This is a copy of the sent to you. Click on the “Reset Password” link. 1 8
Idaho Instructional Management System Requesting a New Password After clicking the “Reset Password” link, you will be directed to this page Type in a new password and confirm the password by entering it again. Click on “Set Password”.
Idaho Instructional Management System New Password Complete Requesting a New Password 10 After resetting the password, you will receive this message from the system confirming your password has been reset. 1
Idaho Instructional Management System Logging On Requesting a New Password You should now be able to log in. Select the appropriate educational entity. Click “Continue to Sign In”.
Idaho Instructional Management System Logging On Requesting a New Password 12 If you can get to this page, you are registered and have successfully entered the Idaho Educational Portal. 1 2 Applications will vary depending on what each User has access to. 3 User can click to access Schoolnet.
Idaho Instructional Management System Assistance SDE IT Support Desk SDE IT Support Desk: Requesting a New Password 13