1 Israel as a Jewish State: The Religious Components (2) The state bans the opening of businesses and workplaces on Sabbath and Jewish holidays The state bans the running of buses and trains on Sabbath and Jewish holidays The state dictates the teaching of religion (Orthodox Judaism) in state (non-religious) schools The state funds religious services, religious schools, yeshivas, and religious associations and activities In case of legal lacuna, judges should rule according to “Israel heritage”
2 Israel as an Extra Jewish State: The Secular Components (1) Israel as the homeland of the entire Jewish people (Jews in Israel and Diaspora) Strong ties between Israel and Diaspora Jews The special status of the Jewish Agency and Jewish National Fund, the two Zionist institutions that serve Jews only
3 Israel as an Extra Jewish State: The Secular Components (2) Policies to keep and increase the Jewish majority: Law of Return (free admission of Jews and automatic citizenship) Immigrant absorption policy Immigration law and policy Rejection of the Arab refugees' right of repatriation Restrictions on Arab citizens' right to family unification Settlement policy Land policy