Yellow Box 2.0 Presentation
Production management Work orders Time sheets Capacity planning Production history Production’s cycle’s steps Parts Product and sub-product Operations grouping Operations Employees Working shifts Units of measure Production management’s module Attendance Sales Production Purchases Finances Human resources Quality Assets Available modules
Production: Work Order Work orders’ list Header details of the work order Estimate and reel costs are resumed here Operations’ list Détail d’une opération Raw materials’ list Raw material’s details Services’ list Service’s details Inventory level Reach the raw materials’ cutting sheet Tools’ list Equipment’s details All points analysed Available modules
Production: Time sheets Time sheets list Filter by date Time sheet’s details Possibility to display an employee’s time sheets for a determined period Selected employee’s time sheet’s list, classified by date Selected time sheet’s details Available modules Attendance Sales Production Purchases Finances Human resources Quality Assets
Production: Transactions’ capture Captured transactions’ list Transaction’s details Attendance Sales Production Purchases Finances Human resources Quality Assets Available modules
Production: Planning Active projects Planned capacity Closed projects Past capacity Based on the finished product’s history Part’s reel rate Attendance Sales Production Purchases Finances Human resources Quality Assets Available modules
Production: History You can choose the part of which you want the history Each project that have this part ordered is resumed here Available modules