Art and design Sculpture
What is sculpture? It can be worshipped and respected It can be made of any material It can be in open, public places It can be very private It is always in some way 3D It can be smashed up It can be added to over time It can be made by carving, moulding, casting, construction and lots more methods It can be made by an individual or a group It does not have to be still It can fit in your pocket or be visible from far off It can be figurative or abstract
Painted limestone statue of Nenkheftka From Deshasha, Egypt About 2400 BC Bronze statuette of Hermes From Italy; Greek style About 150 BC
Ivory netsuke (clothing toggle) Japan Edo period, 18 th -19 th century Height: 4.5cm Fragment of granite statue of Ramesses II From Thebes, Egypt, About 1250 BC Height of fragment: 2.7m
Hoa Hakananai'a Easter Island (Rapa Nui), Polynesia About AD 1000 Wax sculpture of Laocoön and his sons Model of ancient Roman marble sculpture Late 17 th century
Figure for Malangan ceremonies – intended to be used and then destroyed Made of wood, vegetable fibre, pigment and shell From New Ireland, Papua New Guinea Nkisi figure Made of wood with added nails, iron blades, relics Kongo, Democratic Republic of Congo Late 19 th century
Figure of a Buddhist monk Made of stoneware (ceramic) From Henan province, northern China Ming dynasty, AD 1486 Seated figure of the god Mictlantecuhtli Made of sandstone Mexica/Aztec; from Mexico
The Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II at a banquet Made of limestone From the king’s palace at Nimrud, northern Iraq BC Greeks fighting Amazons Made of marble From the temple of Apollo at Bassai, Greece BC
Day of the Dead figures Made of wool, textile, paper polystyrene, papier mâché, cane Made by Pablo Morales (Linares Family Workshop) Mexico; 1980s Kachina doll Made of painted cottonwood and corn cob Made by Derrick Davis, Hopi people, Arizona, USA 1996
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