Absorption of EU Funds in the Area of Competitiveness, Research and Innovation: The Case of Lithuania Dr. Nerija Putinaitė Vice-Minister, Ministry of Education and Science, Lithuania Competitiveness through Research and Innovation: Strategies, Policies and Incentives (WB) Sofia, Bulgaria
Content EU structural funds – attention to R&D infrastructure, human resources and environment R&D Programme for Cooperation Between Public R&D and Business Sectors - Integrated Research, HE and Business Centers (Valleys) Common National Integrated Programme – 12 national integrated programmes in R&D knowledge susceptive economical sectors Researchers Career Programme - professional improvement of researchers at all stages of their career National Higher Education Programme – skills and competences of students and professors, investment into study infrastructure Concentration of Lithuanian R&D potential Reorganization of Institutes’ Network National Science Programmes
Science and studies concentration in Lithuania
Lithuania and the research, mil. inhabitants students ( in the colleges): 63 per 1000 inhabit researchers, 6000 with doctoral degrees new doctoral degrees each year 6,7 % researchers in business and industry Investments in R&D - 0,8 % of GDP
Financing ALLOCATIONS FOR SCIENCE AND STUDIES IN (Millions, €) State budget fundingEU SF and gross fundingSpecial programmes funding
Structural Funds Programmes R&D Programme for Cooperation Between Public R&D and Business Sectors (218,06 mil. €) Common National Integrated Programme (97,43 mil. €) Researchers Career Programme (182,5 mil. €) National Higher Education Programme (221,28 mil. €) Knowledge and competitiveness Research BusinessStudies
Valley’s programme Measures by other ministries for R&D development Researchers Career Programme National Integrated Programmes Stimulation of science and business cooperation Investments into: R&D infrastructure, human resources and environment
R&D Programme for Cooperation Between Public R&D and Business Sectors Objective to create R&D infrastructure, develop research of international level relevant to business, essential to solve important problems of state and society; to create preconditions for commercialization of scientific results and for other applications. Funding 218,06 mil. €
Integrated Research, HE and Business Centers (Valleys) Projects ValleyProjectFunding, mil. € Number of researchers Status Quo SaulėtekisEstablishment of National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences 58700Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Development of Civil Engineering Centre of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 5.280Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Development of Vilnius University Laser Research Centre “Naglis” Funding and administration contract signed ( ) SantaraEstablishment of Joint Centre for Life Sciences Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Establishment of Joint Innovative Medicine Centre Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Establishment of Nature Research Centre Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Creation of IT Open Access Centre1.5790Funding and administration contract signed ( ) MaritimeCreation of Nucleus and Update of study Infrastructure of Maritime sector valley Funding and administration contract signed ( )
Integrated Research, HE and Business Centers (Valleys) Projects ValleyProjectFunding, mil. € Number of researchers Status Quo SantakaEstablishment of National open-access R&D Centre in Kaunas Technology University Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Establishment of National open-access Research Centre of Future Energy Technologies Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Establishment of Centre for the Latest Pharmaceutical and Health Technologies in “Santaka” Valley Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Nemunas Agrobiotechnologies, forestry, biomass energy,water and biosytems engineering R&D centers, HE studies and related infrastructure development and reorganization of science and studies institutions Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Animal health, nurture and animal material science and studies infrastructure development, consolidation of scientific potential Funding and administration contract signed ( ) Food science and technology infrastructure development and consolidation of scientific potential Funding and administration contract signed ( )
Integrated Research, HE and Business Centers (Valleys) Funding Sources (mil. €) Valley Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Economy Min. of Agricultu re Min. of Environ ment Min. of Health State Property Fund Other sources Overall Marine Nemunas Santaka Saulėtekis Santara Overall
Common National Integrated Programme ObjectiveTo increase in complex manner (through direct and indirect measures) the proportion of R&D intensive sectors of economy. Funding 97,43 mil. €
Coordination of National Integrated Programmes Implementation List of Projects of twelve National Integrated Programmes Confirmed: Biotechnology and Biopharmacy; Joint Laser, New Materials, Electronics, Nanotechnology and Applied Physical Sciences and Technologies; Sustainable Chemistry; IT sector; Medicine sciences; Sustainable use of nature envirenment; Mechatronics; Development of Civil Engineering Sector and Transport; Lithuanian Creative and Cultural Industries; Humanities and Social Sciences; Maritime sector; Agriculture, Forestry and Food sector. There are 34 projects developed on the basis of these programmes. Allocations distributed to them - 177,16 mln. Lt The funding for the implementation of the projects of strengthening of study infrastructure will reach beneficiaries on the second quarter of 2010 year.
Funding of National Integrated Programmes (mil. €) 1 Biotechnology and Biopharmacy 2 Joint Programme of Laser, New Materials, Electronics, Nanotechnology and Applied Physical Sciences and Technologies 3 Sustainable Chemistry 4 IT sector 5 Medicine sciences 6 Sustainable use of nature environment 7 Mechatronics 8 Development of Civil Engineering Sector and Transport 9 Lithuanian Creative and Cultural Industries 10 Humanities and Social Sciences 11 Maritime sector 12 Agriculture, Forestry and Food sector
Researchers Career Programme Objective to encourage permanent professional improvement of scientists and other researchers at all stages of their career enhance abilities of human resources in the sphere of R&D in qualitative and quantitative aspects; to encourage the mobility of scientists and other researchers. Funding 182,5 mil. €
Researchers Career Programme: Instruments InstrumentFunds according to the groups of activities ( mil. € ) General grants55.07 Improvement of qualification of scientists and other researchers, encouragement of mobility and student research works Improvement of qualification and competencies of scientists and other researchers (research databases and e-documents) State aid for employment of researchers in companies18.38 Strengthening of activities of R&D thematic networks and associations 7.68 Improvement and dissemination of knowledge about science and technologies for pupils and youth and stimulating of gender equality in science 5.8 R&D quality and preparation of experts2.78 Analysis of study and research condition2.49
Examples of “soft” instruments State aid for the employment of highly qualified personnel in SMEs (18.38 mil. €) Aim: increasing the number of highly qualified personnel in SMEs, promoting R&D in knowledge intensive sectors of economy Target group: highly qualified personnel (researchers, R&D operating personnel with tertiary education degree and at least 5 years of relevant professional experience) Students’ scientific practice (1.45 mil. € ) Aim: creation of possibilities for students to get familiar with R&D projects executed by the groups of most known scientists’ and science and studies institutions in Lithuania Target group: students Students’ of Master level practice in foreign companies Aim: creation of opportunities for MA students to gain skills in applied R&D Target group: MA students
Stimulus for R&D commercialization Law on Science and Studies Art. 82 Part 1: “Science and studies institutions have the ownership of property rights, arising from results of intellectual activities, gained according to the agreement or according to the order, set by laws.” Recommendations for Lithuanian science and studies institutions regarding the rights arising from the results of intellectual activities, approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science (December 1, 2009).
Recommendations for Lithuanian science and studies institutions regarding the rights arising from the results of intellectual activities Recommendations – is a consulting guide, setting the guidelines for Lithuanian science and studies institutions on the rights, arising from the results of intellectual activities, and their use, disposal and management. It is recommended to include IPR policy (with implementation instruments and monitoring) into institution’s long-term strategy and appoint a person or allocate a structural unit dealing with IPR issues (possibility to delegate this to separate technology transfer office). Recommendation also include the provisions on: Rights and obligations of IP creators and science and studies institutions (personal non- property rights to IP results belong to the authors, but property rights the author may transfer to the third person without prior informing a science and study institution, unless the property rights already belong to the science and study institution according to inner legal act or the agreements.) IPR protection, disclosure, IPR distribution and publication Commercialization and distribution of profit, gained from the results of intellectual activities Conflict solving, information and teaching about IPR Encouragement to create and commercialize results of the intellectual activities.
Plans Open international tender for the selection of the Valley Monitoring Group experts published Funding Contracts of the Projects of National Integrated Programs will be signed Regulation basis for management of open-access centres Legal basis of the Science and Technology Parks renewed
Lithuania aims 2% of GDP 2020
Reorganization of Institutes’ Network Previous Situation Before reorganization of State Research Institutions’ Network there was: 17 State Research Institutes 18 University Research Institutes 10 State Research Institutions After consolidation: 5 Integrated Centers of Science and Research 6 State Research Institutes (17 Institutes was integrated into universities)
Consolidation of Institutes New InstituteJoined Former Institutes Centre of Innovative MedicineImmunology Institute of Vilnius University; Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of Vilnius University Nature Research CentreEcology Institute of Vilnius University; Institute of Botany; Institute of Geology and Geography Centre of Agrarian and Forest Sciences Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture; Lithuanian Institute of Forests; Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Olericulture Lithuanian Social Research Centre Institute of Social Research; Institute of Labour and Social Research Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences Institute of Chemistry; Institute of Semiconductor Physics; Institute of Physics Institutes with the same title Institute of Lithuanian Institute of Lithuanian literature and Folklore Lithuanian Institute of History Lithuanian Institute of Energetics Lithuanian Institute of Cultural Research Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economy 4 state research institutes are liquidated and 1 reorganized into budgetary institution. The following actions taken : 1. from state research institutes, other university research institutes and some other state research institutions 11 state research institutes were formed :
National Science Programmes ProgrammePlanned Funding for 2010 year (mil. €) Status quo Social Challenges for National Security 1 (overall ,9) Confirmed and started to implement State and Nation: Heritage and Identity 0.88 (overall – 18,88) Confirmed and started to implement Future Energetics1.3Confirmed and started to implement Chronic Uninfectious Diseases1.3Confirmed and started to implement Ecosystems of Lithuania: Climate Vissisitude and Human Influence 1.3Confirmed and started to implement Healthy and Safety Food-Project prepared National Science Programmes – one of the measures of program-based and competition-based R&D project funding. Planning and Performance course of the National Science Programmes is regulated by the Regulation of the National Science Programmes List of National Science Programmes approved by the Government:
Challenges Strenghtening of studies, science and business integration for growth of Lithuania’s economy Development of partnership between science and business Best practice examples of partnerships Successful implementation of EU structural funds projects