State Solutions to Consumer Assistance Needs National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Dallas, Texas July 13, 2014 Presented by Jennifer Gremmert, Deputy Director Energy Outreach Colorado
Energy Outreach Colorado Overview Statewide Fuel Fund Founded in 1989 – created by Executive Order Raise approximately $15-20 million/year $25 Million in reserves Since 1989 raised $200 Million Programs – Bill payment assistance, energy efficiency, behavior change and advocacy programs Strong utility partnerships Staff serve on Governor appointed energy committees National Energy and Utility Assistance Coalition Board and Advisory Board Monitor many coalitions – state and national
EOC Program Matrix Bill Payment AssistanceEnergy Efficiency ProjectsEfficiency Education & Advocacy Utility Bill Check off ProgramsUtility DSM ContractsIndividual and Corporate donors Residential Late Fees – Xcel Energy State Weatherization Funds – Multi-family buildings Contracts with Affordable Housing Developers and Housing Authorities Severance Tax Operational Funds – State funds Crisis Intervention Program – LIHEAP Funds Unclaimed Deposits, Refunds and unclaimed LEAP City and County of Denver – franchise fee negotiation Corporations and FoundationsOil and gas producers Individual DonorsIndividual and Corporate donors
Cash Assistance Program Distribute funds to State LIHEAP Program ($1 million on average annually) Use for leveraging, Maintenance of Effort Increase average benefit for everyone Strong statewide agency network ($8-9 million on average annually) Agencies do all of the income verification since they work with other assistance programs Centralized database All payments go to utility vendors
EOC Efficiency Programs Multi-family Affordable Housing Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Program Single Family Centrally heated and individually heated buildings – more than 5 units Commercial buildings – shelters, food banks, transitional housing, administrative offices Coordinate with State Weatherization Program Statewide provider for State Weatherization Program City and County of DenverCrisis Intervention Program – LIHEAP - Furnace replacement and repair Utility DSM - Custom Rebates Utility DSM - Custom Rebate Utility DSM - Prescriptive Rebate Levels Also working with Rural Electric Cooperatives and Municipal Utilities Large energy users that have not been targeted historically Propane conversion program - Rural communities – DSM funds Ability to decrease customer bills; also split incentives Used to “band aiding” systemsCreates unique access points to customers
Advocacy Programs Regulatory Activities Intervention in Rate Cases Intervention in Utility Mergers Participation in Rule Making Initiated Percent of Income Program through rulemaking In the past, received fines from utility noncompliance Legislative Activities Unclaimed Utility Deposits and Refunds Natural Gas Deregulation (not currently active in Colorado but EOC would benefit) Low Income Energy Assistance Act – voluntary check off program for all investor owned utilities Severance tax funding - supports LIHEAP, EOC and Weatherization
Recent Successes Demand-side Management Contractor for multiple utilities Statewide Weatherization Contractor Crisis Intervention Program Sub contractor for Colorado LIHEAP Severance Tax (State) funding Funds LIHEAP, EOC and Weatherization $13 million per year Percent of Income Program Long term strategy legislative and regulatory
Contact Information Jennifer Gremmert Deputy Director Energy Outreach Colorado