Company Presentation 2012
GENERAL OVERVIEW Development, Production and Supply of Ammunition, Fuzes and Close Support Weapons
EXPERIENCE 1965 Company for production of fuzes Founded Medium Caliber Ammunition Division Founded Pistols and Firearms Division.
PERSONEL 1,500 employees 120 engineers work on R&D projects
QUALITY In Compliance with Quality Standards: ISO-9001:2000 NATO AQAP 2110
EXPORT LICENCE Licensed for Manufacture, Trade and Export of defence-related products in accordance with the Bulgarian Law and Internationally adopted regulations
PRODUCT GROUPS Medium Caliber Ammunition Fuzes Grenade Launchers Pistols & Revolvers
AMMUNITION Medium Caliber Ammunition for: 40mm GP-25 & GP-30 UBGL 40x46mm NATO M203 & HK 69 Launchers 30mm AGS-17 AGL 40x53mm NATO Mk19 and HK GMG 23mm ZU-23-2 Anti-Aircraft Guns 30mm 2A42 and 2A72 guns (on BMP-2 & BMP-3 IFV) 30mm GSH-30 Aircraft Guns (on MiG- 29, Su-27, Mi-28 and Ka-50)
FUZES Fuzes for: 23-40mm Medium Caliber ammunition mm Mortar Ammunition mm Artillery & Tank Ammunition mm Aircraft and Artillery Rockets Proximity Fuzes for Mortar and Artillery ammunition
Grenade Launchers Grenade Launchers: 40x46mm NATO Under- Barrel GL ARCUS-40 40x46mm NATO Stand Alone GL ARCUS-50 40mm Under-Barrel launcher ARCUS-30 for VOG-25 ammunition 30mm Automatic Launcher ARCUS-17 for VOG-17 ammunition
Pistols and Revolvers 9x19mm Pistols ARCUS 94 ARCUS 98DA 38 Special Revolver ARCUS 95R.
Our Partners More than 75 Countries Worldwide have chosen ARCUS Quality