Stocktaking of Nordic-Baltic cooperation: interests, values and learning Prof. Dr. Ramūnas Vilpišauskas Director of the Institute of International Relations.


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Presentation transcript:

Stocktaking of Nordic-Baltic cooperation: interests, values and learning Prof. Dr. Ramūnas Vilpišauskas Director of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University Presentation for the conference “Lithuanian-Nordic cooperation: Life-long Learning Experience and Common Values”, Vilnius, February 23, 2011 Find The outline: The main arguments; Key economic indicators and trends; The political economy of crisis management; Baltic States’ rankings in the regional context; What future for the Nordic-Baltic cooperation? Find The main arguments (I): The Nordic countries has been consistently supporting the Baltic States’ political and economic re-integration into Europe’ and transatlantic institutions since 1990s; During the last decade the Baltic sea region become increasingly integrated economically with trade and investment flows (labor moving to Nordic and capital moving to the Baltic countries); The financial crisis exposed high interdependencies among Nordic and Baltic States’ economies; Find The main arguments (II): The Baltic States have been the fastest growing region in Europe for the past decade – an outcome of transition reforms and European integration, with this trend interrupted in ; The Nordic countries have been consistently leading in Europe (and the world) in terms of competitiveness and other economic and social indicators; This neighborhood and level of integration provides opportunities for the Baltic States to learn from the Nordic countries and to come out from the crisis by becoming more competitive, fiscally sound and flexible economies. Find Almost a decade of dynamism of the “Baltic tigers” resulting in fast convergence to the EU average Find Strong convergence since 2000 till 2008: Relative GDP per capita in PPS in EU EU Estonia Latvia Lithuania Denmark Finland Sweden Source: Eurostat Find Convergence interrupted in 2008 by the global crisis and domestic factors with resulting swings in the key indicators Find Source: European Commission Autumn 2010 Economic Forecasts Find Source: European Commission Autumn 2010 Economic Forecasts Find Source: European Commission Autumn 2010 Economic Forecasts Find Source: European Commission Autumn 2010 Economic Forecasts Find Source: European Commission Autumn 2010 Economic Forecasts Find Source: European Commission Autumn 2010 Economic Forecasts Find The political economy of crisis management: The Baltic States responded to economic crisis in similar ways through internal adjustment of prices and wages, though influenced by domestic politics (elections); The outcomes of the adjustment were dependent on previous policies with Estonia being in the best fiscal situation allowing it to join the euro zone in 2011, The Nordic countries used somewhat different policies (only Finland being in the euro zone), although all of them maintained competitiveness and relatively good fiscal situation. Find The Baltics will need structural reforms for a breakthrough to come closer to their Nordic neighbors Find Find Find Find Find The political economy of structural reforms: Easier said then done The Lithuanian Government has started it’s work with a slogan of “change” and the stress on crisis as an opportunity for structural reforms; However, the crisis did not lead to planned structural reforms in Lithuania (yet), with the only exception being high education where the presence of reformers with a prepared reform program and external support (WB/IMF advice, EU resources) resulted in reform of financing and management; The Government initiated the Sunset process for administrative reform and Sunrise for business environment, set up the Progress Council on the long-term reforms (Lithuania 2030); Will recovering economy and approaching elections (municipal in 2011 and parliamentary in 2012) reduce the appetite for further reforms? Find Rediscovery of the Nordic – Baltic cooperation?: Overcoming infrastructural isolation in the EU market through Nordic – Baltic integration: Baltic energy market interconnection (BEMIP); Upgrading transport infrastructure; Return to economic convergence, especially after completing “left- overs” agenda (Schengen, euro zone) and the Single market (services), EU Baltic Sea region strategy (?); Attempts of policy transfer from Nordic to Baltic States (for example, reform of managing state assets); Possibilities for socialization and convergence of values. Find How similar are we? A couple of illustrations from “The Nordic way” Find Find Find Thank You!