FlyCracker ™ The New Cost Effective and Safe Fly Control Product In Poultry Operations Presentation is the property of Biospherics Incorporated. To be sued only with permission from the Biotechnology Division
What is FlyCracker ™? FlyCracker™ costs less per animal to use than conventional unsafe pesticide products and offers better control. FlyCracker™ is a non-toxic larvicide that controls house and stable fly populations in enclosed livestock areas. FlyCracker™ kills all fly larvae before they can hatch. Presentation is the property of Biospherics Incorporated. To be sued only with permission from the Biotechnology Division
Economic losses caused by Fly Infestations. Flies are the intermediate host to the tapeworm that infects poultry and results in loss of animals. The housefly spreads human and poultry diseases as well as causes the flyspecking of eggs. Fly problems may cause a public nuisance or health problem promoting poor community relations and litigation. Presentation is the property of Biospherics Incorporated. To be sued only with permission from the Biotechnology Division
FlyCracker ™ breaks the lifecycle by killing the larvae through a physical process which means, NO FLY RESISTANCE!!! Presentation is the property of Biospherics Incorporated. To be sued only with permission from the Biotechnology Division
Results from Independent Laboratory Studies* show that FlyCracker ™ is 100% effective in controlling housefly larvae numbers. 1. Insect Control and Research Incorporated 2000
FlyCracker ™ is also effective against stablefly larvae. 1. Insect Control and Research Incorporated 2000
Use FlyCracker ™ in your Poultry Operations that use litter. (Not recommended for treating liquid manure pits). Treat only a one foot perimeter along the inside of the house.
For Poultry Operations using nipple drinkers, treat areas under the drinker with FlyCracker ™. The area under the drinker will form a “donut” in the litter. This creates an ideal breeding place for flies.
Use FlyCracker ™ to Treat Your Manure Pile. Treat only a one foot wide perimeter of the pile.
Make FlyCracker™ A Part of Your IPM System. NOW! A Product of, Presentation is the property of Biospherics Incorporated. To be sued only with permission from the Biotechnology Division