your library, school, community and beyond Teen Read Week ™
Create awareness – if no one knows about it, what’s the point of doing it? Great opportunity to reach out to community and build relationships This will allow you to have a solid foundation and support for future projects, causes, etc. Chance to build awareness about the unique role the library plays in the community – highlight what you offer that folks can’t get anywhere else Marketing – why do it?
Decide who you’re trying to reach Create the message Include relevant details Use language your audience will understand Does it need to be translated into more than one language? Assess your resources and determine needs What existing communication channels can you utilize? Do you need to reach out to the community for assistance? If so, who do you reach out to? Three Easy Steps to Plan
Create a marketing plan & schedule, by identifying: The best vehicle(s) for getting the message out (library web site, schools, local radio or news stations, social media, community partner resources, etc.) The kind of promotional materials you will use (fliers, graphics for web use, s, posters, etc.) When to get the message out and how often Get Organized
Implement marketing plan Revisit and make adjustments as needed throughout the process Evaluate marketing plan What worked? What didn’t? Did we reach our goals? Write down suggestions for next year Implement & Follow-up
TRW Flier/Poster Contest Hold a TRW poster contest where teens create their own TRW promotional flier Flier can be of anything TRW related favorite book, theme interpretation, etc. Hang up entries around library/school Hold a vote to determine winner, or have local VIPs pick the winner Winner receives a free book of their choice (or whatever the library sees fit) Use winning flier to promote your TRW activities Engage Teens
Create a TRW display at entrance Have interested teens create a TRW display or bulletin board Place display in an area with high visibility and patron traffic Provide little “take home” postcards or fliers with info about TRW Be Visual
Place a TRW banner on library website that links to info about your TRW activities General TRW logo can be found on the TRW website under the planning tab TRW digital files can be purchased from the ALA Store. ALA Store. Create regular reminders and announcements about TRW on library website, Twitter, and Facebook accounts On the Web
TRW bookmark contest Create a TRW recommended book list Ask teens for their favorite titles of the year Compile the list and create a display of the books Other ideas
Press Release Use the press release template located on the TRW website and distribute to local media Proclamation Ask your local town councilor school board to make a proclamation about TRW in your community Bring teens with you to the meeting to make the request Be sure to get photos to post on your web site Use the sample proclamation on the TRW site Promoting in your community
Public Service Announcements Contact local radio stations and ask them to promote TRW as a courtesy (sample PSA scripts & recordings can be found on the TRW website) Contact local news stations and ask them to promote TRW Ask schools to promote TRW using their outdoor announcement display or closed circuit TV Make it easy for them by providing them with messaging and artwork/graphics Promoting in your community
Presentations Ask teachers and after school providers if you can visit to talk about TRW Social Media Tweet local schools, community partners, bookstores, etc. and ask them to help promote TRW through tweets and retweets Promoting in your community
Promoting Be consistent! Make it a priority to promote TRW & create a marketing schedule Clearly state the benefits What will schools, teachers, the community, and most importantly, teens get out of TRW? Make adjustments as needed to the message or method Contact the local college or university to see if any marketing students can help you out Other tips and ideas
Enlist help of others on all levels Library, school, youth focused organizations, city, bookstores, the PTA, etc. Engage others Internal: recruit circulation and reference desk staff and other library staff who interact with teens External: reach out to parents, grandparents, local businesses, community centers, etc. Don’t reinvent the wheel Get marketing resources by researching about similar events, causes, and ‘cause marketing’ Other tips and ideas
For TRW planning and promotional materials, please visit the official YALSA Teen Read Week website at American Library Association Marketing Resources Wiki American Library Association Marketing Resources Wiki Media Relations Handbook Resources
Know This – Principles of Marketing Curators of the University of Missouri – Marketing Curators of the University of Missouri – Marketing Small Business Trends – One Page Marketing Plans Small Business Trends – One Page Marketing Plans Resources on Creating Marketing Plans