Jeopardy PronunciaciónDías, Meses, Estaciones ConcordanciaVocabularioVerbos
Pronunciación – 10 puntos Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. noventon No / ven / tón
Pronunciación – 20 puntos Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. estenotipia e / ste / no / ti / pia
Pronunciación – 30 puntos Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. polea Po / le/ a
Pronunciación – 40 puntos Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. sanscrito Sán / scri / to
Pronunciación – 50 puntos Divide the following words into syllables and underline their accented syllables. Finally, pronounce each word. mandriladora jurisprudencia Man / dri / la / do / ra Ju / ri / spru / den / cia
Días, Meses, Estaciones – 10 puntos How do you say “weekend” in Spanish? Fin de semana.
Días, Meses, Estaciones – 20 puntos Which months form part of the winter in the US? Diciembre, enero, febrero.
Días, Meses, Estaciones – 30 puntos What days begin with “M” in Spanish? Martes y miércoles.
Días, Meses, Estaciones – 40 puntos What seasons are the mildest? Otoño y primavera.
Días, Meses, Estaciones – 50 puntos What are the months that begin with “A” and “J”? Abril y agosto. Junio y julio.
Concordancia – 10 puntos How do you say “My friends are “nice”, “extroverted”, and “intelligent”? Mis amigos son simpáticos, extrovertidos e inteligentes.
Concordancia – 20 puntos How do you say “My computer is small.” in Spanish? Mi computadora es pequeña.
Concordancia – 30 puntos How do you say “Mexico City is very big.” in Spanish? La Ciudad de México es muy grande.
Concordancia – 40 puntos How do you say “My mother and I are timid.” in Spanish? Mi mamá y yo somos tímido/as.
Concordancia – 50 puntos How do you say “The backpacks are big.” in Spanish? Las mochilas son grandes.
Vocabulario – 10 puntos How do you say “open your book and read page 5” in Spanish? Abre tu libro y lee página 5.
Vocabulario – 20 puntos How do you say “It’s a pleasure to meet you” three ways in Spanish? Un gusto. Encantado/a. Igualmente.
Vocabulario – 30 puntos How do you say “light brown”, “brown”, and “dark brown” in Spanish? Café, marrón, pardo.
Vocabulario – 40 puntos How do you say “clock” and “blackboard” in Spanish? Reloj y pizarra.
Vocabulario – 50 puntos How do you say “lazy” and “ugly” in Spanish? Perezoso y feo.
Verbos – 10 puntos How do you say “I am” in Spanish using the ver SER? Soy
Verbos – 20 puntos How do you say “we are” in Spanish using the ver SER? Somos
Verbos – 30 puntos What are the three types of answers for “¿Eres de España?”? Sí, soy español. No, no soy español. No, soy estadounidense.
Verbos – 40 puntos How do you say “I need” and “I have” in Spanish? Necesito. Tengo.
Verbos – 50 puntos What verb means “there is” or “there are” in Spanish? Hay