By Arthur Johnson
Geography This is commonly referred to as the Olmec heartland, but evidence shows that the Olmec culture stretched as far South as Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica. The climate of the Olmec heartland area is very wet with heavy rainfall, and the landscape.
Religion The earliest known representation of a feathered serpent in Mesoamerica. The feared shaman could say rituals to heal the sick.
Achievements The Aztec,Olmec, and Maya of Mesoamerica are known to have made the rubber ball using natural latex-a milky, sap-like fluid found in some plants.
Political system Olmec sites were probably governed by elite royal families,and kings. Warriors and human prisoners are frequently depicted in Olmec sculpture,suggesting that the Olmec practiced formalized warfare and related forms of human sacrifice.
Economics Cacao beans were used throughout Mesoamerica as currency. They were able to build a vast empire and create humorous works of art and see what they could make of their humble looking cacao bean.
Social structure The rulers were on top, middle were the craftsman, and the bottom were the merchants and the farmers.
Quick facts The jaguar was an magic animal. The Olmec flourished during the formative period, dating from 1400B.C. to about 400B.C.,and are believed to have been the progenitor civilization of later Mesoamerica civilization. During the 400 B.C. the great pyramid and various other ceremonial complexes were built in La Vento. In this heartland, the first Mesoamerica civilization would emerge and reign from B.C. It is known that between 400 and 350 B.C.,population in the eastern half of Olmec heartland dropped precipitously,and the area would remain sparsely in habited until the 19 th century.
ESSAY ABOUT ANCENT OLMEC This is a story about the Ancient Olmec. First,the Olmec's civilization started in 200B.C. and it id believed that they are the an sisters of the Maya and Aztecs. They were a trading society.Framers created crops and craftsman created useful things and traded them and the jaguar was an magic animal. At the top were the king,middle were the craftsman,and the bottom were the merchants and the farmers. Last they created calendars,form of writing,ball game,pyramids, and the J darts. The ma n were responsible for hunting, fishing, and planting crops. The woman were responsible for gathering fire wood, caring for the kids,and doing other house chores and kids learned from mom and dad. In conclusion, that is my story about ancient Olmec.
Quick quiz 1. Was the jaguar a magic animal or an god? 2. Who was on the top, middle, and bottom of the pyramid? 3.When id the Olmec’s civilization start? 4.What were the cities the Olmec’s lived in ? 5.What were Olmec’s three major cities ?
Bibliography Notes
Answers The answer is magic animal They were king top, craftsman middle, and merchants,farmers on bottom. The answer is 200B.C. They lived in Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, Costa Rica, and El Salvador. They are La Veto, Laguna Delos Ceros,and San Lorenzo.