Technical demands for printing a thesis-book PHD: In and Out, Viikki Hannele Kauranne, Development Manager Helsinki University Print
Helsinki University Print in a nutshell Established in 1972 Owned by the University of Helsinki Funds (the UH Group) Turnover 7,5 Meur 2009 Personnel 54 Located in Vallila Helsinki and on three campuses University of Helsinki printing supplier Goverment printing supplier Quality sertified Nordic Environmental Labelling Licence holder (Joutsenmerkki)
One stop shop for publishing Publishing services –Consulting and training –Graphical design –Picture services –Web editing Document services –Student copying –Office copying –Laser printing Printing services –Digital printing –Print shops –Offset printing Logistical services –Delivery –Mailing –Warehousing Book sales –Online Bookstore –Sales service –Marketing service
The publishing process takes time! Compilation of the manuscript and materials Language revisions etc. Contacts to the printing house Quote Request of a Dissertation In the printing house: Page layout and cover design Cover proof and dummy copy proofreading Making possible corrections A second proofreading
The publishing process takes time! Printing permission Printing Binding Preparation of the electronic version of the dissertation for e-Thesis (if wanted) Distribution of the finished books Public display (10 days before the public examination) You should reserve plenty of time for the printing process - a lot more than your initial estimate!
Most important in the publishing process is manuscript preparation The materials have the greatest impact on the delivery time, price and smooth workflow Publish only electronically, only in printed form or both? Let professionals help you or do-it-yourself? Well-planned and prepared materials facilitate the publication of dissertations.
The dissertation materials include: Texts (including the table of contents, abstract and literary references) Separate publications in an article dissertation Illustrations and photographs Diagrams (graphics presentations) Tables Materials on the title page and the so-called dedicatory page (title, ISBN or ISSN, place and year of printing, possible copyright information, etc.) Cover materials (title, spine lettering, ISBN or ISSN, illustration, etc.)
Components of a publication TEXT PROCESSING - Manuscript (Word) - Style Sheets - Proofreading - Editing FIGURES - Making figures - Colour definition - Technical issues for printing PAGE LAYOUT -Let professionals help -Or D.I.Y - InDesign PICTURES -Photographing - Scanning -Colour management - Technical issues for printing OUTPUT FILE PS (PostScript) - Fonts - Drivers, Printers OUTPUT FILE PDF - Drivers - Printers PAGE LAYOUT FILE - Fonts - Pictures, figures TIFF, EPS RTF,DOC EPS, TIFF, PDF HTML / XML / …. - Structure - Pictures - Media requirements e-Book Wap WWW XYZ??
Text, Manuscript, Typography and Layout A ready-made template for Microsoft Word may be downloaded from You can also ask our graphic designers about making use of the Helsinki University's graphics guidelines Your faculty also may have defined visual guidelines for doctoral dissertations.
Page layout models
Cover models
Technical Instructions Please name your files both systematically and clearly, e.g., smith_dissertation.pdf. Only use the letters a–z, numbers and underscores. Do not use special characters (e.g. ” ! # % & / ( ) \ * ~ ¨ ^ -,). Do not use spaces. Replace spaces with underscores (_). Also, do not use Scandinavian characters (e.g. å ä ö). Ensure that all your files include a file extension (e.g., example_image.jpg). This applies to users of Macintosh systems as well. Use periods (.) only to separate the file name from the file extension.
Submission of materials to print: Manuscript (.doc) The University Print’s graphic designers will take the responsibility : –Graphic design (cover and pages) –Layout of the publication –Processing and inserting of pictures, illustrations, tables and charts –Colour management –Technical issues for the printing process –Output file for the printing machine Save your own time!
Submission of materials to print: Output File (.pdf) PDF files created with a word processor (such as MS Word), a common layout program (such as InDesign) or, for example, the LaTeX software. The pdf-file must contain the final, carefully proofread version The pdf-file must include all elements required for printing: text, images, illustrations, diagrams, fonts, colors etc.
Output File (.pdf) Just a minimal amount of corrections to PDF and PostScript files can be done in the printing house If any errors are discovered, you must send a new, complete version of the file in question. It is useful to send printouts of the pages as well to the printing house See pdf-instructions on our web!
Submission of materials to print: Page Layout File (.indd etc.) The printing house must have the same software used to make the layout In addition the customer must deliver the precise fonts that have been used in the layout Information on the name and version of the software must be given The printing house also needs printouts of the pages to be used as a model with which the layout may be compared.
Submission of materials to print: camera-ready pages The pages are scanned, converted to a digital image format before printing. Camera-ready pages cannot be used for publishing an electronic version of a dissertation. Pages may always be printed and submitted in A4 format Printing house will reduce the size of the pages. When creating the page layout, observe that texts, spacing, image slots and margins are proportionately reduced in size. A4 page > B5 format, the result is about 84% A4 page > A5 format, the result is about 72% NB: image quality can be inadequate!
More Information: Contact the printing house in time! –Preferably 1-2 months before the book should be ready for a public display! –quote_request_of_a_dissertation –typography_and_layout –manuscript_preparation
Our contact persons in dissertation matters Mrs. Sirpa Pirttiperä Tel Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Arts Faculty of Theology Faculty of Law Mr. Kimmo Jokinen Tel Faculty of Biological and Environmentali Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Science Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Behavioural Sciences Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry