Capitalization Punctuation Spelling quizLessonIntroduction Grades 9-10
Introduction This lesson is for grades Today we are going to learn the importance of capitalization, punctuation and spelling words correctly. You want to make sure when sending out your resumes or filling out a job application that your writing looks accurate and professional. Making sure that the words are capitalized correctly, the sentences are given the appropriate punctuation and all words are spelled correctly, will give you a better chance on getting your resume or application noticed for the right reasons. Next Previous
Introduction 2 This lesson will fulfill the Common Core Standard below. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L NextPrevious
Lesson Todays lesson we are going to cover when to capitalize certain words, we are going to learn how and when to use a comma and a period, lastly, making sure our work is spelled correctly. To navigate the lesson press the next button on the bottom right to proceed to the next slide, press the back button to go back to the previous slide. PreviousNext
Capitalizing the correct words at the appropriate time is essential in making a document look accurate. Words to capitalize are as follows: First word of a sentence, proper nouns, titles and proper names. Click next for examples. NextPrevious Capitalization
The paper is due on Wednesday. We capitalize the t in the word the because it is the first word in a sentence. We also capitalize the word Wednesday as it is a proper noun. Another example, The book club is reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. In a title you would capitalize The, Adventures, Tom and Sawyer. You do not capitalize short prepositions, conjunctions, or articles unless they are the first word of the title Click the video below for more help. Examples Previous Next
Our next step in writing a great resume or job application is punctuation. There are seven punctuations not including the ones you use at the end of your sentence. They would include comma, colon, semicolon, apostrophe, quotation marks, hyphen and then the end of sentence punctuation including the period, question mark and exclamation point. The most popular and missed used punctuations are the comma and period. For this lesson we are going to focus on these two. NextPrevious Punctuation Using a comma and period
The most common times a comma is used when there is a list of words in a sentence. The period is used at the end of a sentence that is a statement or fact. Examples: My hobbies are knitting, riding my bike, skate boarding and reading. This semester I am taking writing, speech, math and history. Today the weather is nice. I am going to the movies this weekend. Click the link below for more examples on using commas. Next Previous Example
Spelling words incorrectly is a very common mistake students make when writing or filling out applications. Spelling a word correctly is essential for the meaning of the sentence. Let’s look at two words that are spelled two different ways. The word no/know and here/hear. If you use the wrong spelling of the word, you can change the meaning of the sentence. Also, spell check will not pick up the error if you are typing a document. Click the next slide for examples. Next Previous Spelling: Using the correct spelling of words that have multiple spellings
I no how to use a power lawn mower. You can here the difference between a gas and an electric mower. The mower is hear. There is know gas to run it right now. The correct answers: I know how to use a power lawn mower. You can hear the difference between a gas and electric mower. The mower is here. The is no gas to run it right now. NextPrevious Example
The End Today, we have learned about capitalization, punctuation and spelling words correctly. This will be very valuable to you as you fill out your resume, write papers and apply for jobs. Now let’s see what you have learned. If you are ready to take the quiz click on the quiz button, if you want to review the lesson click on the lesson button, if you want to start from the beginning click home Home Lesson Quiz
Choose the correct way to right the sentences in the next three questions. Please use the arrow at the right to complete the quiz, or the lesson button to review the lesson, or the home button to go back to the beginning. Let’s begin. NextLessonHome
Question 1 I have three dogs four cats a hamster a fish and a turtle. A. I have three dogs, four cats a hamster and a turtle. B. I have three dogs four cats a hamster, and a turtle. C. I have three dogs, four cats, a hamster, a fish and turtle. C. I have three dogs, four cats, a hamster, a fish and turtle.
Question 2 I have been hear all day. I no going to the store takes time but there is know way it takes five hours. Finally. I here the car coming up the drive. A. hear, know, here, no B, here, know, no, hear C. hare, know, now, hear
WAY TO GO YOU ARE CORRECT! Next Question Next Question
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Question 3 Today is wednesday. We will be reading harry potter and the deadly shadows in book club today. A. Wednesday, Harry Potter And The deadly Shadows. A. Wednesday, Harry Potter And The deadly Shadows. B. Wednesday, Harry Potter and The deadly shadows. B. Wednesday, Harry Potter and The deadly shadows. C. Wednesday, Harry Potter and the Deadly Shadows. C. Wednesday, Harry Potter and the Deadly Shadows
Congratulations You have completed the lesson and the quiz. You have done a great job learning about capitalization, punctuation and spelling. Click the home button to go home,lesson button for review. To review the credits for this lesson, please select credits. Great Job! Home Lesson Credits
Benne, M.L. (2012) Townson University Online Writing Helphttp:// Common Core Standards (2012) English Language Arts Standards. English Grammar Basic videos (2011) Five Common Comma Rules to Reduce Punctuation Problems (2005) 11/14.html 11/14.html HOME