growing leaders
Mentor Training Slide 2 mentor training starting as a mentor
Mentor Training Slide 3 Overview of Growing Leaders The role of the mentor Insights for mentoring Support, communication and resources for Growing Leaders mentors Prayer together session outline
Mentor Training Slide 4 Draw a picture or write some words of what comes to mind when you hear the word ‘leader’.
Mentor Training Slide 5 Christian leadership is… a servant-oriented relational process whereby those who lead, under God’s leadership, using their God-given capacity seek to influence others towards a kingdom-honouring goal.
Mentor Training Slide 6 why Growing Leaders? Lack of leaders Changing nature of leadership Strategic role of leaders
Mentor Training Slide 7 research healthy churches growing churches
Mentor Training Slide 8 healthy churches Empowering leadership Gift-oriented lay ministry Passionate spirituality Functional structures Inspiring services Holistic small groups Loving relationships Need-oriented evangelism
Mentor Training Slide 9 ‘Leaders are needed at all levels.’ Peter Brierley
Mentor Training Slide 10 leadership at every level Overall Area Small group or team
Mentor Training Slide 11 Part 1Firm foundations for Christian leadership Part 2 Key skills of Christian leadership Part 3 Keeping faithful in Christian leadership growing leaders
Mentor Training Slide 12 GL 1 – Firm foundations for Christian leadership Session 1: Leadership matters Session 2: Establishing identity Session 3: Clarifying call Session 4: Developing character
Mentor Training Slide 13 GL 2 – Key skills of Christian leadership Session 5: Discerning direction Session 6: Developing leaders Session 7: Leading together
Mentor Training Slide 14 GL 3 – Keeping faithful in Christian Leadership Session 8: Embracing cost Session 9: Staying fresh Session 10: Continuing well
Mentor Training Slide 15 Chosen CallCharacter Competence Community Courage Credibility Confidence CoachingClarity
Mentor Training Slide 16 course structure Twelve months Health check Sessions Mentors Projects Prayer base
Mentor Training Slide 17 the role of the mentor Christian mentoring is a dynamic, intentional relationship of trust in which one person enables another to maximise the grace of God in their life through the Holy Spirit, in service of God’s kingdom purposes, by sharing their life, experience and resources.
Mentor Training Slide 18 the mentoring process Connecting Clarifying Pursuing Evaluating Adjusting
Mentor Training Slide 19 guidelines for your first meeting Getting to know one another Deciding whether to continue Forming an agreement Setting dates Prayer
Mentor Mentee Attention Reflection Listening and exploring Challenge and/or feedback Ownership and action Adapted with permission from © Clutterbuck Associates 2002 New insights/ growing self- awareness Experiences
non-directive directive Helping someone solve their problems Solving someone’s problems for them Deep listening Summarising and reflecting Good questions to clarify and raise awareness Bringing the conversation into the here and now The use of self Offering encouragement and support Providing challenge Giving feedback Presenting scenarios and options Reframing Making suggestions Offering guidance Giving advice and input Instructing Telling/showing
Mentor Training Slide 22 Listening Questioning and probing Offering empathy and respect Reflecting Paraphrasing Focusing and summarising Reframing and challenging Helping to set goals and action plans Adapted from Andrée Freeman, CPAS Arrow Programme
Mentor Training Slide 23 Low challenge High challenge Low support High support possible phases of the mentoring relationship
Mentor Training Slide 24 practicalities and prayer Support, communication and resources Mentor guide and handouts Monthly s and bulletins Growing Leaders book Review meetings Prayer for mentors
Mentor Training Slide 25 ‘It is not enough for leaders of the future to be moral people, well trained, eager to help their fellow human beings, and able to respond creatively to burning issues of their time. All of that is very valuable and important, but it is not the heart of Christian leadership. The central question is, “Are the leaders of the future truly men and women of God, people with an ardent desire to dwell in God’s presence, to listen to God’s voice, to look at God’s beauty, to touch God’s incarnate word, and to taste fully God’s infinite goodness?”’ Henri Nouwen