“THE HELPING HANDS” Ms.Levystone’s YELP 2015
Mrs. Levystone- YELP 2015 COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT In our Yelp class we had a long discussion about what we would like to do in order to “give back” to our community. We thought about going to have a “park clean up” and also thought about giving service to animals at an animal shelter. Finally, we decided that we wanted to do something for kids and we settled on raising money to give to an orphanage. We found a place called “Little Flower Orphanage” and scheduled an in house Bake Sale at our school in order to raise money for the orphans.
THE FUNDRAISER! Together we brought in assorted goods to sell. We brought in chips, donuts, juice, soda and candy. We decided on prices for all of our items and yes they were high! We all took on different rolls, like setting up and breaking down the table, accepting money, giving change, and arranging the snacks. We wanted to raise lots of money to help the orphans buy clothes, blankets and necessary school supplies. It was a hit and we raised $140.00!
LITTLE FLOWER ORPHANAGE TRIP We determined when we were going to deliver the money we raised to the orphanage and scheduled a class trip. We took the train to downtown Brooklyn and went to the Little Flower Orphanage. We met with Theresa and gave her our donation. She was so grateful for our money and we took some nice pictures together. Then we celebrated as a class by going to eat and having a neighborhood walk.
How did it feel????? “It puts a smile on my face just thinking about how we helped someone.” Aaron Moses “This taught me to be selfless and it makes me feel good to give money to kids so they buy things they need.” Leon Plaza “I learned that giving something to someone that doesn’t have what I have is a good thing.” Matthew Pena “I felt proud of myself helping the kids in need.” Abdul Manan “I feel good because not everyone is as lucky as I am.” Omar Rodgers “ Community service is good because I imagine these kids with a smile on their faces.” Yery Genao “I learned that by doing community service we help people live.” Francis Rodriguez “I learned what an orphanage is and how we can give to one.” Fahim Hossain “It made me happy to do something positive.” German Vasquez “It made me feel great because I like helping others.” Ke Luc Holder “This project made me happy.” Kevin Garcia “I was so proud of my Yelp class for doing such an amazing thing for their community. There commitment to the fundraiser and their motivation to raise money in order to help other kids like themselves really impressed me. We are already planning to do it again next year!’ Mrs. Levystone