Industrial Control Engineering UNICOS-PVSS evolution Hervé Milcent EN/ICE/SCD 07/10/2011 1
Industrial Control Engineering Accessing BE/CO infrastructure Description Consequences on the daily work, deployment, access, etc. Current operational release Christmas release: Core, CPC UNICOS in LabView AOB: Future release web 07/10/20112 Outline
Industrial Control Engineering PVSS manager except Ui in Linux OWS = Ui in Windows and Linux Linux Ui: accelerators operators (LHC, PS, etc.), from CCC Windows Ui: CRYO operator, from CCC, local control room, trusted console from outside TN via terminal server OWS: All panels, libs, etc. in Linux Server Avoid having a copy in each OWS for each project access via SAMBA (Windows) and NFS (Linux) PVSS constraints: Ui run-time: access in R/W in log and data folder and files Ui editor: access in R/W in log, images, colorDB, panels, scripts, data, pictures BE/CO infrastructure: 300 servers - 1/3 PVSS servers and a lot of Linux consoles Installation of PVSS Server automated via transfer.ref Synchronization of user and passwd in all servers via e-group :ACC-all containing all the allowed users. NFS: Automount to BE/CO NFS server From each server in TN: access via NFS to all the others SAMBA: simple and easy configuration: no difference between Ui run-time and Ui editor A user allowed via SAMBA = allowed to ssh in all the servers PVSS project started with a service account: unicryo, qpsop, etc. 07/10/20113 PVSS and BE/CO infrastructure
Industrial Control Engineering Refer to atlasecr security issue. IT security issue with service account Tracking who logs in Once in a server, a user can access to all the others via NFS Corrupt the PVSS project. Many user may start the OWS Ui run-time, and should not have access to other servers 07/10/20114 Why protecting the access
Industrial Control Engineering User must have a CERN account and has signed the OC5 rules Access to a set of servers via SAMBA and ssh PVSS servers are grouped and assigned with e-group of allowed user, e-group=ACC- UNICOS-xx (admin group to setup the e-group members: ACC-UNICOS-xx-admin), e.g.: ACC-UNICOS-cryolhc, ACC-UNICOS-cryolhc-admins In this e-groups can only be: Personal NICE account, like milcent Operational account not defined as BE/CO op account like qpsop A user can be in many e-group A user not the e-group=no access via SAMBA, no ssh Propagation of e-group content in 15 – 30 min (if no problem in IT) Propagation of re-assignment of PVSS Server and e-group: every working day Detailed info No difference between a operator (UI run-time) and a developer (Ui editor) Separate PVSS server for test and production 2 users unicryo for EN/ICE production server use only, password known by ACC-UNICOS- admin (only EN/ICE staff: application responsible) unitest for EN/ICE test purpose server ACC-UNICOS-admin: sudoers in all PVSS servers 07/10/20115 BE/CO & EN/ICE proposal for Windows OWS: server configuration
Industrial Control Engineering User must have a CERN account and has signed the OC5 rules OWS console on the technical network (or trusted): as before (usually login with service account: e.g. lhcop) From GPN (e.g. from the office): PVSS developer, e.g. milcent, it is recommended to use a VPC (Virtual Personal Computer) and log in with NICE personal account Operator: log in a terminal server provided by BE/CO as NICE personal account or service account Outside CERN: Log in cernts with NICE personal account Then same procedure as from GPN 07/10/20116 BE/CO & EN/ICE proposal for Windows OWS: starting a OWS
Industrial Control Engineering A user not in a e-group = no samba access, no ssh in both Server and Linux console For accelerator related application, operators (except accelerator operators) service and personal account will be allowed for log in BE/CO Windows terminal servers and Windows console in CCC for the operators, e.g. cryomoni, etc. No access to Linux and Windows console in CCC (or trusted). For experiment application, e.g. CRYO experiment, MCS, GCS, etc. use personal account only in BE/CO Windows terminal servers. No access to Linux and Windows console in CCC (or trusted). Developers: use VPC (Virtual Personal Computer) 07/10/20117 BE/CO & EN/ICE proposal for Windows OWS: consequences
Industrial Control Engineering Same strategy ACC-UNICOS-admin added as sudoer in their PVSS server VAC: use the same CMF package as for UNICOS for OWS 07/10/20118 BE/CO & EN/ICE proposal for Windows OWS: CRYO experiment, MCS, VAC
Industrial Control Engineering Windows 7 and Windows 2008 access via SAMBA BE/CO & IT BE/CO & EN/ICE: configuration of folders and files protections Validation of PVSS Ui in Windows 7, SLC 6, Windows 2008 BE/CO: provide SLC 6 and Windows 2008 EN/ICE/SCD: validation of PVSS Ui in all platform. EN/ICE/SCD: PVSS installation Procedure to get a VPC well configured BE/CO Procedure to get access to BE/CO terminal server with personal account BE/CO Cleaning list of users: remove all EN/ICE from ACC-all (except FESA developers, LabVIEW, ACC-UNICOS-admin) and re-assigning them to e-groups EN/ICE/SCD & BE/CO MODBUS port re-allocation: EN/ICE & BE/CO 07/10/20119 BE/CO & EN/ICE proposal for Windows OWS: pending issues
Industrial Control Engineering Go or not go to Linux server? OWS Ui: log in terminal server with personal account Security issue: Server on TN Access to the LHC Experiment TN by default nfs automount between TN, experimental network may need a custom installation Still missing some servers (G1 type) BE/CO: re-assigning servers …. But if we don’t go …. ! 07/10/ GCS:
Industrial Control Engineering Question ? OK to proceed? 07/10/ BE/CO & EN/ICE proposal for Windows OWS
Industrial Control Engineering 300 servers 1/3 PVSS Servers Many consoles Limited resource number in BE/CO Little pre-emptive maintenance Action only when problem Let’s try to reduce the list of servers and group project per shutdown time E.g.: CNGS and POPS, CRYO and CIET portal Consequence: re-deployment in MOON and in servers RBAC setup. 07/10/ BE/CO servers
Industrial Control Engineering Question ? OK to proceed? 07/10/ BE/CO servers
Industrial Control Engineering unicos-pvss for PVSS 3.8-SP2 Content (most important issues) feature to ease the work of the standby service. Remove spurious alarm: to have at the end a systemIntegrity alarm as a real alarm to be looked at Handle the automatic restart of critical failing manager: LHCLogging Request from POPS: EventList Mandatory issue for CPC 6 Expert name: - expert name in UNICOS used for information only. No filtering, no search on expert name, the expert name is just used like a description Device/unicos configuration: extra storage Children/parent relationship … CPC 6 compatibility: import/export, widget/faceplate, CPC 6 functions Unicos-pvss Core compatible with CPC 5 and other packages Export/import WindowTree/TrendTree in XML Distributed control: same notation as in the installation tool no need to clean the config file Import functions called from a PVSSctrl allow an automatic import without the import panel very useful for icemoon, NA62 Easy way to find systemIntegrity alarm value: useful for SBS From SystemStatus, etc. not only from the systemIntegrity alarm panel. Recipe: import, duplicate existing recipe instance, create new recipe instance, modify recipe instance 07/10/ current release: unicos-pvss PVSS 3.8-SP2
Industrial Control Engineering unCore Clean separation between component Explanation of the systemIntegrity alarm in systemIntegrity view and Front-end diagnostic views More check during the import: existing alias, MODBUS com&data unSystemIntegrity Configuration on remote system, stop/start of scripts No kill of valarch during online backup MAIL/SMS at startup configurable unLHCServices Bug fix in PVSS00Laser when dealing with alert 07/10/ Christmas release: unicos-pvss-5.2.1
Industrial Control Engineering unCore: Stop/start/add driver/simulator from import panel Stop/start unicos scripts remotely eventList/alarmList in faceplate Comment on device Device action: many privilege, list of action per domain/privilege unSystemIntegrity Bool to syatemIntegrity alarm 07/10/ Christmas release: issues may be included
Industrial Control Engineering 07/10/ Christmas release: CPC
Industrial Control Engineering All remaining PVSS 3.6-SP2 servers PVSS 3.8-SP2 and new hardware need between ½ to 1 day intervention per server: no need to keep of IP like for CRYO BE/CO: up to 10/day in parallel before Christmas, 6/day after All packages must be ready for PVSS 3.8-SP2 Re-organizing servers and projects pvss2, pops, cv, others? Upgrade of installation tool 07/10/ Christmas: reminder
Industrial Control Engineering CPC devices except AnalogParameter, DigitalParameter and WordParameter Faceplate, widget, device action: 90% done, only run-time trend Import: nearly 100% done Device access control Not yet, not sure if it will be included Graphical Frame: Tree device overview not yet EventList: based on 0.5sec time resolution not yet AlarmList not yet Panel design: old implementation TrendTree/WindowTree: old implementation Packaging: not yet TSPP S7 and Modbus frame decoding: Linux: connection to Siemens OK Windows: no connection yet to Siemens Decoding: not yet done. 07/10/ News: UNICOS in LabView
Industrial Control Engineering Web Similar to JCOP Missing EDMS. Future release: 5.3.0: Spring-Summer Comment on devices Device action access control 5.4.0: End of 2012 XML import 07/10/ AOB