A Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Examining the Role of Coaching and Peer Support for Transfer of Learning of Leadership Competencies and Systems Change Implementation
NCWWI Leadership Model Leadership Academy for Middle Managers Over 400 mid-level managers from public, private, and tribal child welfare settings Nominated by state directors and CB approved 6-day residential training Addressed skills and competencies to implement systems change Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network
Informed Training: Using Formative and Process Evaluation Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Process Evaluation Formative Evaluation Training Improvements: Pre-work Enhanced Coaching Post-training Supports Training Improvements: Pre-work Enhanced Coaching Post-training Supports
Improved Outcomes for Children, Youth, and Families Improved Outcomes for Children, Youth, and Families Sustainable Systems Change Strong Training System Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Before Training Individualized Coaching Training Introduction Online Module Strengths-based Leadership Assessment During Training Individualized and Group Coaching Peer-to-Peer Learning Online Resources Catalogue After Training Individualized Coaching Peer Networks Online Resources Catalogue Workforce Webinars Adaptive, Distributive, Inclusive Leadership Skills Goals of the LAMM: LAMM Training Supports:
Change Initiatives and Coaching Delivery Before Training Coaching Call 1Coaching Call 2 During Training In-session Group Coaching Add-on Coaching Sessions After Training One-on-One Coaching Small Group Coaching Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Implementation of Change Initiative Immediate application of learning to Change Initiative Development of Change Initiative effecting systems change
LAMM Evaluation Design Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Individual Readiness Training Transferability Learning Motivation to Transfer Transfer of Learning Implementation of Change Initiative Expected Return on Investment Work Environment Transfer Support moderation Content Validity Instructional Design Trainer Effectiveness Self-Efficacy Learner Readiness Peer Support Supervisor Support Agency Climate for Change Opportunity to Use Coaching Training/Assistance LAMM Peer Networks 3, 6, 12-month Competencies Post-training Leadership Competencies Hypothesized Transfer of Learning Model
LAMM Evaluation Design Mixed Methods Approach –Survey Battery: Pre, Post, Follow-up (3, 6, and 12 months) Leadership Competencies Change Initiative (CI) Implementation Workplace Implementation Supports Transfer of Learning Peer Outreach and Networking Coaching (one-on-one, post-training) –Qualitative Approaches Survey open-ended responses, 6-month interviews Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network
Evaluation Findings: Leadership Competencies 3-month Regression Analysis Repeated Measures Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Dosage Grouping Variable: Group 1 = Training only Group 2 = Training + Post-training Coaching Group 3 = Training + Post-training Coaching + Peer Outreach VariableBSE B β Workplace Imp. Supports ** Peer Outreach † Coaching R2R2.13 F11.10** N = 219; † p <.10; *p <.05; **p <.01
Evaluation Findings: CI Implementation 3-month Regression Analysis Repeated Measures Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Dosage Grouping Variable: Group 1 = Training only Group 2 = Training + Post-training Coaching Group 3 = Training + Post-training Coaching + Peer Outreach VariableBSE B β Workplace Imp. Supports ** Peer Outreach Coaching R2R2.09 F7.29** N = 219; † p <.10; *p <.05; **p <.01
Evaluation Findings: Predictors of Implementation Logistic Regression tested predictors Implementation Stage of Change Initiative at 3 months after residential training (N = 105) Significant Predictors: Leadership Competencies Coaching (trend-level) Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network
Discussion Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network
Thank You A Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network