IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM If I were to train for a career in computers, would 3D animation/Graphic Designer or a Programmer/Software Developer better suited to me?
ANALYZE THE PROBLEM PART 1 What do I already know about the problem Requirements Graphic Designer Talented in design and creating visuals(may not be able to learn in training). Good understanding of the software programs being used to create the visual designs. Software developer Basic to extensive understanding of a programming language. Most job positions require the ability to help develop a program, they require several years of past experience or a degree. Ability to work with people and communicate.
ANALYZING THE PROBLEM PART 2 Similarities in both careers Both careers require working at a computer Differences between the careers Software developer High difficulty because learning a programming language is like learning a second language Isn’t as much requirement to work with people Graphic designer Medium to high difficulty due to programs used to create a graphic, edit a photo, or create a 3D image are very complex Required to work with others; good communication is needed
BRAINSTORM IDEAS Possible solutions Ask someone who is in the trade about their job Research about the specific job Compare the jobs and see which one you prefer Take personality test (Myers Briggs) See which job leans more toward your personality type Try some aspects of each job and see which one you prefer
PRIORITIZE THE IDEAS Pros and Cons of ideas Ask someone who is in the trade about their job Pro: Answers almost all questions Con: You don’t get to see what it’s like first-hand Try some aspects of each job and see which job you prefer Pro: Understanding of the job itself and what is required Con: Have to spend time understanding what you have to do in job Research the specific jobs Pro: Find a lot out about a job Con: May not find the information you need See which job leans more toward your personality type Pro: Understanding of work place surroundings and environment Con: No real understanding of what is required to do the job
LIST THE STEPS TAKEN FOLLOWING THE CHOSEN SOLUTION Solution chosen Try some aspects of each job and see which job you prefer Options of doing so: - Teach yourself - Try it in school as a course - Ask a sibling (if they’re nice enough) or a friend who has some or a lot of experience with aspects of the job - Ask somebody works as a Software Developer or Graphics designer to show you
EVALUATE/TEST THE SOLUTIONS Currently taking a computer course Can’t decide yet Haven’t tried enough aspects in each job.