Your company name here, your logo on the corners! Risk Assessments & Safe Systems of Work
Delegate welcome Course objective: To ensure full understanding of Company Policies, Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work relating to the transport sector:
Risk Assessments & Safe Systems of Work Knowledge Check What do you know about Health & Safety and the requirement for Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work?
Understanding the form of a Risk Assessment Risk Assessments & Safe Systems of Work
How do you get from; Risk Assessment to Safe System of Work? The first thing to do is to identify the difference between a Hazard and a Risk Risk Assessments & Safe Systems of Work
Risk Dictionary definition: 1 1.A situation involving exposure to danger i.Walking across the front of the warehouse entrance and not using the pedestrian walkway, or parking outside a delivery point and crossing the road to get to the office ii.Driving under the influence of drugs: either illegal or prescription Risk Assessments & Safe Systems of Work
The Question again! How do you get from a Risk Assessment to a Safe System of Work? 1.First you must identify the difference between a Hazard and a Risk Done 2.Then you have to identify the Hazard before you can mitigate the Risk Risk Assessments & Safe Systems of Work
Should an employee not follow the instructions given in a Risk Assessment and then during the working day cause themselves an injury, the fact that they have not followed the instructions could mean that the employee ends up in a difficult situation. A good example would be, climbing up the side of the vehicle without wearing any PPE, jumping off. Then landing with your foot on a piece of wood with a huge nail in it and it going through your foot Risk Assessment Accessing Trailers & Rigid Vehicle Beds, Loading, Un-loading and Cleaning Within the instructions of the SSW it clearly states that; PPE Must be worn Access ladders and steps should be used at all times using hand holds provided Do not jump down from the vehicle bed An accident occurs and then the finger of blame is pointed, but who is to blame? Is it the employee for not following the SSW or the employer for not moving the piece of wood!? You Decide Risk Assessments & Safe Systems of Work