The Gaza Conflict Applications of Just War Theory
Prelude: Was War a Proportional Response to Gaza Rockets?
Human shields Palestinian use of crowds when Israel threatens to destroy housesuse of crowds Israeli insistence on Palestinian civilian presence in occupied areasoccupied areas
Weaponry Israeli use of white phosphorous and large (155 mm) shells in urban areas Israeli use – Why did Israel deny use during conflict but admit it afterward? Palestinian rockets: Killed 1 Israeli soldier and 3 civilians during the conflict. Are they acceptable? How good does aim have to be?
Casualties: Controversial Israelis (government figures): – 10 military dead (one of whom was hit inside Israel by a Palestinian rocket), 336 wounded. Bizarre ratio! – 3 civilians dead, 182 wounded. Best estimate of Palestinian deaths: PCHR study – Posted a list of the names of the dead detailing their names, ages, jobs, place of residence, and time and place of the attacks that killed them – Total = classed as civilians but depends on definition (includes police) Includes 313 children and 116 women – Palestine Authority says it lost 255 police and 236 fighters – Best guess (mine) = 40%-70% civilians, depending on definitions