Meeting #1 Comportment, Application & Knowledge- Class Instruction Jim Healey Mike Hoffman
Agenda Coin Toss / Chain Crew Comportment Application Knowledge
Rules of the Game Coin Toss Chain Crew Video
Comportment What is Comportment –“dignified manner or conduct “
Comportment Appearance –Uniform Shirt (tucked in, clean, etc) Shoes (shined) Hat (neat) Stature Be Approachable Interact Appropriately with all the Teams –Game Administrator (call if late, etc) –Official Timer (discuss at halftime any issues) –Coaches (be level headed) –Players (talk to the players at all times) –Other Officials (Address differences at half time/end of game) –Fans
Application Recognize Infractions –How do I know it was a foul? –Was the foul point of attack? –Was there an advantage gained by someone? –Did the offended person continue to play? –Demonstrate Sound Judgment –Was the foul unnecessary, flagrant? Was the coach getting personal with his comments? Be Consistent (individual vs officiating team) Be Fair and Neutral Be Certain and Decisive What if I think I saw it?
Knowledge Know and Understand the Rules –Study Groups –Software or web sites –Contact Information –Districts Referee Magazine ( –Yearly Quizzes –Spend Time Understanding Rule Intent Rules by Topic How technical should I be? Develop a Feel for the Game What is the score? What is at stake? Any past history?