1 Provided by the Counselling Services every Wednesday 12pm-1pm Room i104
By now I am supposed to be clear about my career direction Career development research suggests that career indecision and lack of clarity are to be expected for most young adults 47% of students in post secondary institutions in Canada change programs at the end of their first year (almost half!) 3
There are some short courses that set some people up for great jobs There are some great short courses! But, you want to ensure the course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to be recognized by employers for the job Note – over 70% of new jobs in Canada require a post-secondary qualification ( diploma, degree, vocational qualification) 4
If I am not in the right program, I am wasting my time and money No learning is wasted!! Learning assists you to determine your interests Many of the skills you’re building now are ‘transferable’ – can apply to jobs across many fields. Employers are interested in the fact that you keep on learning. This is attitude and skill they want and need in their employees. 5
There is one right job for me Career planning is a flexible and creative process that often continues throughout your life. You may find that as you grow your career and life style you may have jobs in different fields. 6
If you’re lucky to find a job you’re set for life In the past, a good education could sometimes guarantee a job for life with a secure company. Building a career today is a lifelong process which will likely involve many decisions along the way. Security will come from having skills and positive attitude that are attractive to many employers. 7
It is almost impossible to find good jobs in today’s labour market Yes, the labour market is different than 15 years ago. However, people are still finding work as well as creating their own. Many industries are expecting labour shortages as workers retire, industry advances. The key will be to find work that fits as closely with your interests, values, abilities, personality and lifestyle preferences as possible 8
I should be able to make my own career decisions without any help Mohawk Counsellors can assist you if you are confused or unsure of your academic or career options. We know that you will be more successful and enjoy your education more if you are in a program or have chosen a career that best suits your interests, personality, values, abilities, skills and the realities of the labour market. We can do career testing and advise you about college or university programs and transfer options, graduate certificates, continuing part-time education, upgrading opportunities and skilled trade opportunities. 9
Once you have had outside assistance with your career planning you don’t need to worry about it again Career development does not happen once over your lifespan. None of us remains the same over our lifespans! We acquire new interests, our circumstances change, we move, the needs of employers change, new technologies appear. Life is full of change! The Mohawk Counsellor can be an enormous help in sorting through what’s most important, making sense of the labour market, inventorying your skills and/or developing a plan of action. 10
How to best select the right college program/career? Mohawk College career resources to support my job search? Information about College–University Tranfers? 11
Who can help? 12
A Mohawk College Counsellor is available to assist you with program selection and career decision making. Here’s how the Counsellor can assist you….. 13
The Counsellor will assist you to… Understand who you are in terms of your values, skills, interests, personality, knowledge base and workplace preferences - essential to making a career or educational decision! And, assist you to…. Identify what occupations or educational programs might be most uniquely suited to you. 14
Who else can help? 16
Create a resume - What should I include in my resume? What is the best way to prepare for the interview? Are there job postings for my program? What jobs do graduates get after my program? Is there help to find a co-op placement? How do I identify the job skills and personal skills that I can offer an employer? Research is a very important aspect of the job searching. What sort of portfolio design does my career demand? Do employers or recruiters want a cover letter? References -who will confirm your experience, skills, and knowledge? How do I connect to careers – Job Fairs? Student and Graduate Employment Services Fennell Room R203 Phone: Job Ready! 17
Who else can help? 18
I would like to transfer my college credits to university? To another college? I want to obtain a university degree or graduate certificate after graduation? How do I research university or other college options – Educational Pathways Fair? College – University Transfers Phone: ext
Career Central …….. is the place to find resources to assist you with your career and educational planning directions. Provided by the Counselling Services every Wednesday 12pm - 1pm Room i104 20