B ULLYING Ashley Wilson and Jessie Pirkle
V IDEO k Don’t show whole video, just the beginning.
W HAT IS IT ? Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power. Cyber bullying is harassment through , cell phones, text messages and defamatory websites. DON’T BE A BULLY
EQ S How can bullying affect life at school? A: See next slide How can we prevent bullying? A: See slide 8
H OW C AN B ULLYING A FFECT S CHOOL L IFE Students everywhere are victims of harsh bullying. The question is how can bullying affect the victim at school? Being a victim of bullying can cause a feeling of fear to creep upon the victim and bystanders. When this happens, students may not come to school in fear of being hurt.
H OW C AN B ULLYING A FFECT S CHOOL L IFE C ONTINUED Students may also develop physical problems like headaches when bullied which may lessen their concentration on school work. When bullying continues it may spread school wide causing a dramatic mood shift. This will then have a great impact on students academics because they won’t be concentrating on school.
M OST C OMMON A FFECTS O F B ULLYING Falling Grades or Drop in Grades Anxiety about going to school Avoidance of extracurricular
H OW TO PREVENT BULLYING / WAYS TO CURB THE PROBLEM To prevent cyber bullying kids can make their accounts private so that strangers can’t look on and say mean comments. To prevent regular bullying there are seminars that try to convince kids that bullying is bad. Another way to stop a bully is to tell if you see them bullying someone else.
T HE F ACTS More than 40% of students admit to bullying. More than half have witnessed bullying, but have not stopped or reported it. One–third to half of America’s children have admitted to being bullied.
C YBER BULLYING : T HE F ACTS 25% of teens report that they have experienced bullying via the internet. Embarrassing pictures taken without consent/knowledge of the subject have been reported by 11% of teens. Only 1/6 parents are aware of cyber bullying.
W HAT DID WE LEARN ? F ROM TEXTBOOK The article starts off talking about that one half of Americans have been bullied. Then the article transitions to what kind of people are bullied the most, which would be gays. The article then talks about how bullying goes on at school a lot. This can make the student pull away and not care as much about their grades.
G LOBAL P OST The article starts off saying that, “the teen brain is built for power struggle.” The article then talks about how bullying can affect teens.(Mental Disorders) Bullying in schools lead to schools with higher drug problems and lower test scores. According to a survey when bullying occurred the whole school began to worsen. This is because everybody is focused on social status and not being the victim.
E DUCATION. COM Bullying is a worldwide problem that happens in schools everywhere. Bullying peaks in middle school and high school. Boys are bullied more often the girls. Bullying can cause the victim to develop low self- esteem. When this happens the victim may give up and try less at school resulting in a failing grade. The students won’t feel safe so they won’t pay attention to school as much.
W HAT DID WE KNOW ? We both knew that bullying happens a lot and about everywhere you go. We also knew that bullying has a ton of negative consequences. The last thing we knew about the topic was that it is preventable. It doesn’t have to happen.
O UR RESPONSE We both agree that bullying is bad and that it can have affects on academics. We disagree that bullying affects the whole school, but we do think that it could effect a large group.
Q UESTIONS AND U SEFUL INFORMATION THAT WILL HELP US AS TEACHERS ~ Which social media has the most cyber bullying? ~ At what age does bullying usually begin? Useful Information: Bullying can affect the whole environment of the school. Bullying can’t be stopped without supervision Students are scared of bullies so you have to step up.
S OURCES Second Edition: Teachers, Schools, and Society affects-teens-lives-8419.html ullying_Schools/