by CLY Reading Skills Pre-reading While Reading Post-reading
by CLY Before Reading the Text (Pre-reading) Establish a purpose Preview or survey the text Use prior knowledge Make predictions Identify new vocabulary
by CLY During Reading Confirm revise or reject predictions Create mental images Ask questions Clarify understanding Connect text to self, world and other texts Draw inferences
by CLY After Reading /Post-Reading Summarize and synthesize Respond to text Answer questions Connect text to self, world and other texts
by CLY SQ3R SQ3R is used for teaching comprehension of reading material. The acronym stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. Students are encouraged to begin reading by surveying the contents (looking over the material), questioning to enhance understanding, reading with purpose, reciting in search of answers, and reviewing with the intent to remember.
by CLY Skimming vs. Scanning Skimming implies looking over a chapter or unit quickly in order to have a general idea of its contents. By skimming, we read captions, boldface headings, words, charts, and graphs to familiarize oneself with the reading material. Scanning suggests the review of a particular text to find a specific piece of information. For example, we skim through a report to have a rough idea of what it says, but we scan a page of the telephone directory to find a particular name or number. Skimming requires a greater degree of reading and word recognition skills as it involves a more thorough understanding of the text. Scanning is to find a particular piece of information that can be achieved successfully by readers who have less developed skills.
by CLY Speed Reading Speed reading uses very specific techniques for helping students read large quantities of print very quickly. Speed reading techniques help students gain the “big ideas”, but may sacrifice some of the details in the process. It is not necessary for all students to learn speed reading techniques but may be very beneficial for certain content areas or career choices.
by CLY Making Inferences Inference is a big word that means a conclusion or judgment. If you infer that something has happened, you do not see, hear, feel, smell, or taste the actual event. But from what you know, it makes sense to think that it has happened. You make an inference when you use clues from the story to figure out something that the author doesn't tell you. Making inferences means choosing the most likely explanation from the facts at hand.
by CLY Making predictions You can make a prediction when you use clues from the pictures, titles, and some texts/words, together with what you know from your own experiences, to figure out what will happen next.
by CLY Predict Meaning of a New Vocabulary (Word Prediction) Uses knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes to predict meanings.
by CLY References ingstrategies.htm ingstrategies.htm plan/collateral_resources/pdf/l/lessonplans_graphico rg_pdfs_beforereading.pdf plan/collateral_resources/pdf/l/lessonplans_graphico rg_pdfs_beforereading.pdf