Money and Politics
Important Connections Topics – Social relationships Science and technology Customs and traditions Learner Profile – Thinker Reflector TOK – What’s the effect of money on (U.S.) politics? Should it have any effect at all?
“Money is the mother’s Milk of politics” ~Jesse M. Unruh Think about it “Money is the mother’s Milk of politics” ~Jesse M. Unruh
What do you know? Who pays for political campaigns? How do candidates raise money to run for office? Can individuals, corporations, special interest groups, and labor unions give unlimited amounts of money to candidates? Do you think money unfairly buys influence in our political system? Should there be limits on the amount of money individuals, corporations, special interest groups, and labor unions can give to candidates running for office? Why or why not? You have 5 minutes to answer these questions 5 minutes to review student answers
Take a STAND!
Marriage is an outdated social custom
School uniforms are good for us
Healthcare should be free for everyone
Military service should be mandatory for men aged 18-25 (directly after HS)
Money talks louder than actions (Money = Speech)
How much does it cost to run for President? (2008) Barack Obama (D) $730 million John McCain (R) $333 million Total spending by the candidates = $1.759 billion Rejected public financing (accepted private donations) $84 million in public financing (from taxes)
Washington on the “customary means of winning votes” 28 gallons of rum 50 gallons of rum punch 34 gallons of wine 46 gallons of beer 2 gallons of cider royal Total = 160 gallons (approx. 727 liters) There were only 391 eligible votes in his district!
Does money buy elections?
Should politicians be disclosed like NASCAR sponsorships?
Has money corrupted our electoral process? What does money have to do with democracy? It gives wealthy people and groups an unfair advantage in influencing the election outcome It affects who votes and how they vote It becomes a condition for who runs for office and who does not It affects public perceptions of how the system is working and whether it is fair
Questions to think about… How does Jon Stewart transition from the Middle East to money in politics? What did the Citizens United ruling allow? Why are no politicians willing to solve the problem of money influencing politics? Show the Daily Show clip (13:00 – 20:40) Answers: Smoothly and directly. Not awkwardly. It allowed political campaigns to accept donations from corporations and unions It’s not answered.
Individual Writing Practice Based on the following stimulus, give a response and justify it. Choose any text type you have studied (this year or last year). Word count = 200-300 words. In today’s world, it is easy to see the role of money in global politics. “Money is the mother’s milk of politics”. HAND IN AT THE END OF CLASS
Homework Poll Report – Due Friday 11/30/12