1 Campaign Finance for the 2009 General Election
2 Election Finance for the General Election Election expenses Spending limits Political contributions Prohibited sources Tax receipts Election advertising Reports
3 Election Expenses Section 183 Value of property or services, used during the 60 day pre-campaign period and the 29 day campaign period to promote or oppose a candidate or a registered political party “Used” is key When the item was purchased, paid for or received as a contribution is not relevant
4 Spending Limits 2 periods 60 day pre-campaign period Campaign period Separate limits for each period $1.1 million & $4.4 million for parties $70,000 & $70,000 for candidates Registered constituency associations incur election expenses only on behalf of candidates with candidate financial agent permission – subject to candidate limits
5 Political Contributions Section 180 Money and fair value of donated goods and services Membership fees for a political party or constituency association Fees for political party conferences, workshops & conventions Some fundraising function income Some loans
6 Prohibited Sources Unregistered political parties Unregistered constituency associations Charitable organizations Federal political parties Federal electoral district associations
7 Tax Receipts Only for money Registered political parties & registered constituency associations – any time Candidates - only for political contributions received after Certificate of Candidacy and before Writ returned
8 Election Financing Reports Parties which ran candidates Constituency associations with candidates Candidates 90 days after GVD – August 10, 2009 Audited if total election expenses or political contributions = $10,000 or more
9 Election Advertising Defined Section 228 During 60 day pre-campaign period and campaign period Promotes or opposes, directly or indirectly, a registered political party or a candidate Includes taking a position on issues associated with parties or candidates Does not include…..
10 Not Election Advertising News, editorials, interviews, columns, letters, debates, speeches or commentaries published without charge in a bona fide periodical on a radio or tv program Distributing or promoting a book, for no less than fair value, if the book was to be made public regardless of the election Transmitting a document directly by a person or group to their members, employees or shareholders Individuals transmitting personal political views on a non-commercial basis via the internet, text or phone
11 Election Advertising by Parties & Candidates Authorized by John Smith, financial agent, Not required for: Clothing Novelty items such as buttons, badges, wrist bands Small items of nominal value intended for personal use, such as pens, mugs, magnets Expenses subject to election expenses limit Report in election financing report
12 3 rd Party Advertisers During 60 day pre-campaign period and campaign period Must be registered Must be independent of political parties, constituency associations, candidates & agents Limits: $3,000 in relation to a single ED, and $150,000 overall Disclosure reports required if $500 or more