1 John 2:18-27. ◦ Children  you have been anointed by the Holy One (2:20)  the anointing abides in you (2:27) ◦ Antichrist  M any antichrists have.


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Presentation transcript:

1 John 2:18-27

◦ Children  you have been anointed by the Holy One (2:20)  the anointing abides in you (2:27) ◦ Antichrist  M any antichrists have come (2:18-19)  This is the antichrist (2:20-23)  About those who are trying to deceive you (2:24-27)

 Last message we learned the first test of those who are in the Christian fellowship and walking in the light.  That is …  Do you love the World?

 This message introduces the Test of Doctrine.  False Doctrine leads people astray.  We must strive for Truth  John 17:3 “Thy Word is Truth”  Not just any interpretation will do. Study to find the interpretation that is consistent with all of the rest of Scripture.

 Beloved and young in the faith  Susceptible to false doctrine  Their protection is a result of their “Anointing”

 You have been anointed by the Holy One.  The Lord Jesus Christ has provided you with the Holy Spirit at the time you trusted Christ.  The Holy Spirit allows us to have “Knowledge”

 Does this mean we know it all?  No  It means we have the capacity to discern and know truth.  We can tell the difference between false doctrine and true.

 The anointing abides in you.  He will never be taken away.

 Why does John say we have no need for anyone to teach us?  This does not mean we can skip Bible teaching.  “It means we have all we need for instruction in the truth of God.” William MacDonald

 The Antichrist is coming.  Where did they hear about Antichrist?  Daniel 9:26  Daniel 11:21  Matthew 24:5 and 11  2 Thes. 2:3 and 8  Revelation 13:1-10  Revelation 19:19-20

 When he appears he will demand that the world worship him as God.  Anti means both “Against” and “Instead of”

 When John wrote this there had been many who had been named antichrist.  “They received that label because they denied the deity of Jesus Christ. Today the spirit of antichrist that permeates the world emanates from those who deny Christ. What was true back then is still true today.” David M Levy

 But you have an anointing from the Holy One.  “Believers who are controlled by the Holy Spirit will receive the direction and discernment they need to avoid deceptions.” David M Levy  You all know… you receive the ability to know God’s truth through His Word and detect error  You were taught and are being taught truth from God’s Word

 No lie is of the truth.  Truth and lies cannot co-exist  Knowing God’s truth in its purity puts a wall of protection around us.

 Verse 22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ  William MacDonald says “This is a message which should be heeded by all Unitarians, Christian Scientists, Muslims, Modernists, Jehovah Witnesses, and Jews”

 2:24 Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you.  2:28 Abide in Him  John commanded believers to maintain a close, intimate, fellowship with Christ so they would not wander away from Him.

 What are the ways we abide in Christ?