Christmas in Puerto Rico By Baylee Bowman
Time Frame Puerto Rican Christmas celebrations begins in the early days of December and ends December 25th Most of the celebrations can continue into the middle of January.
Celebrations The biggest celebrations are: December 24th Nochebuena December 25th– Navidad December 28th- Día de los Inocentes December 31st- Despedida de Año But the most favorite (especially to children) January 6th-8th - el Día de Reyes January 9th- Octavas and Octavitas
Nochebuena It is on December 24th It is basically Christmas eve Nochebuena or the Good Night is a time for family members to gather together and feast around the Nativity scene. Which is in every home. The Christmas Eve celebrations are interrupted by the ringing of bells called La Misa Del Gallo or Rooster’s Mass. Misa de Gallo is held at midnight on Christmas Eve. It is a very solemn but festive mass often including carols, children dressed as angels and nativity characters, and lots of candles. But before midnight, the families attend mass Christmas dinner is usually late at night, sometimes after midnight. The dinner is often specialized with Pavo Trufado de Navidad or Christmas turkey with truffles. After dinner the family gathers around the tree and sing Aguinaldos or Christmas carols.
Navidad Many families celebrate this day with Santa. Many homes are decorated a lot like how our homes are decorated here in the U.S They go to an early morning and late night mass to celebrate the birth of their king. But no gifts are given
Dia de los Inocentes This feast is held on December 28th This celebration is based on when King Harold sent his solders through Bethlehem. The solders kidnapped every first born son and killed them because they thought one might be the so called Savior. This festival is celebrated much like a carnival. The men dress up as the evil solders of King Harold and “kidnap” the first born boy of every household. To recover their children. The families offer the solders gifts and candy. Later the town gathers in the town square for the parade. This celebration is more like April Fool's Day, like in the US. Where people trick each other.
Despedida de Año Despedida de Ano or New Year’s Eve a time of partying with family and friends But before the festivities begin Puerto Ricans spend the whole day cleaning the house, yard, cars, and even they sweep the streets. They do this because it is believed that whatever condition your property is on New Years. That is how your property will stay for the next year. People pass out baggies with 12 grapes in them which people start eating when there is 12 second left till the New Year. It is said that whoever eats all of them before midnight will have good luck the next year. After all the celebrating. Someone will recite the poem: El Brindis del Bohemio. This is a Puerto Rican tradition.
El Dia de Reyes El Dia de Reyes is Three Kings Day This is a three day celebration: January 6th - Saint Gaspar's Day of Feast January 7th - Saint Melchor's Day of Feast January 8th - Saint Baltazar's Day of Feast These day are named after the three kings who visited baby Jesus. The children use shoeboxes then decorate them. Then place grass and hay for the King’s camels. Its kind of like a Christmas morning to children. They wake up early to find what gifts Gaspar, Melchor, and Baltazar left them. Many family and friends gather to celebrate.
Octavas and Octavitas This celebration last eight days. Normally this holiday was meant to glorify the Reyes and Jesus. More recently…. if you received a visit from a friend or relative on Three Kings' day, you are supposed to return the visit eight days later. Today most families choose this day to take off the Christmas decorations and "officially" end Christmas.
By Baylee Bowman Sources Google By Baylee Bowman
FELIZ NAVIDAD!! Have a Merry X-Mas