What do you think is happening in this picture?
Shay’s Rebellion
Definitions Rebellion- Depression- Debt-
Difficult times for Farmers After the Revolutionary War ended, the United States went through a depression. Southern plantations had been damaged in the war, and trade exports dropped. –What crop do you think was most largely affected by the war? A. Rice B. Corn C. Wheat American farmers suffered because they could not sell their goods and they had problems paying for the requests the states asked for after the war to pay debts. As a result state officials took farmer’s land to pay for their debts and put many farmers in jail.
Daniel Shays Born in Massachusetts Join the local militia during the war and rose to a high ranking Captain. Fought in several key battles including the Battle of Bunker Hill, Saratoga, and Lexington. Upon returning home, he discovered he was summoned to court for unpaid debts, which he still could not pay because he was not paid for military service
Farmers Resentment Resentment grew especially strong in Massachusetts. Farmers viewed the new government as a form of tyranny. One of the demands of the farmers was for the government to issue paper money and make new policies to relieve debtors. Can you think of one demand that the government could institute, to help the farmers?
Rebellion In 1786 the farmers lashed out, led by Daniel Shay. The famers forced courts in Western Mass to close, so that judges could not take farmers’ land. Shay led more than 1,000 farmers towards federal arsenal in Springfield, Mass, for arms and ammunition. The state militia ordered Shay and his men to stop, firing over their heads.
What happens next…? What do you think will happen next?
Rebellion Continued The farmers continue on with their search of arms and ammunition from a arsenal in Springfield, Mass. The militia fires again, killing 4 rebel farmers. Shay and his men scattered and the uprising was over
After Effects The rebellion frightened many Americans. Americans were concerned if the government could control its people. Upon hearing about the rebellion, George Washington wondered whether “mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government.” Thomas Jefferson had a different view on the rebellion, “A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing.” Which former President do you agree with and why?
Homework Write the following question down on a separate sheet of paper. How do you think the Revolutionary War affect the issue of slavery in America? – Keep in mind we did not discuss this issue, I just want to know your thoughts. – About 3-4 sentences!