Jungle Animals 3 rd Grade
All Kinds of Animals! There are all different kinds of interesting animals in the jungle. Here is a picture of an anteater. Click the picture to see even more jungle animals!
Monkeys and Apes There are many different types of monkeys in the jungle. Gorillas Spider monkeys Orangutans Some of these monkeys and apes are endangered. This means that there are not very many left.
Snakes In the jungles there are many different kinds of snakes. They eat bugs, mice, and birds. Some of these snakes can even climb trees!
Jungle Birds There are so many different types of birds that live in the jungle. Parrots, toucans, hummingbirds, and many other colorful birds make their homes in the jungle.
More about Birds There are many colorful birds in the jungle. Some birds have a very good sense of smell and others sleep upside down. Many birds are very colorful and have long tail feathers Click here and read about some other parrot facts!
Bats Bats live in nice cool caves in the jungle. They sleep during the day and eat bugs and fly during the night. Bats have very good hearing because they have such large ears. Would you like to have hearing like a bat and be able to stay up all night?
Frogs In the jungle there are many different kinds of frogs. Some of these frogs are very colorful to show that they are poisonous. Frogs love the jungle because it is always so wet and there are plenty of bugs to eat. Click on the website below to find out more about frogs.
Fish One type of fish that lives in the jungle streams is the piranha. This fish has very sharp teeth and eat meat. Other fish like the electric eel uses electricity to hunt other fish.
A Lazy Jungle Animal The sloth is the laziest jungle animal. This animal can sleep hanging upside down for hours! When the sloth is not sleeping it looks for food.
Spiders and Bugs There many interesting bugs and spiders that live in the jungle. There are spiders so big in the jungle that they can eat birds! Some butterflies are even as big as birds! Click on the picture to find out more about butterflies
Strange Animals Mouse deer: These animals are as big as a rabbit but they look like small deer. Basilisk lizard: This kind of lizard can walk on water!
More Strange Animals The Hercules Beetle: This is the largest beetle in the world. It is 8 inches long! Okapi: This is an endangered animal. It is also a very shy animal.
What’s Your Favorite? Did you learn about any new animals? Which animal was your favorite? Why was it your favorite? Did you learn a little bit about the jungle as you saw the different animals? Would you like to visit the jungle and see all of these animals up close?