Dhon Mennen Broad-Base Consultant / Life-Skills Trainer / Counsellor Former School Principal & Mentor for Challenging Children BA Psy (Counseling) MAIPC MSIM MSID
TESDA celebrates its 20 years in the Education Industry this coming Monday, 25 th August. HAPPY 20 th BIRTHDAY TESDA
EDUCATION IS EVER EVOLVING In the Past education was based on directive teaching. In the Present education is based on constructive learning and innovative teaching. In the Future when our children are parents education will evolve even further to something which would be incomprehensible and challenging to us.
Around the Region: Singapore The 1 st Polytechnic in Singapore was established in The demand grew and today Singapore has 5 polytechnics. The latest built in 2002 In the early 1970s the secondary schools (High School) integrated technical (Metalwork/Woodwork/Electrical Workshops) and home economics lessons as an additional subject. In 1992 Institute of Technical Education was established.
Polytechnics Polytechnics were set up with the mission to train professionals to support the technological and economic development of Singapore. Reflecting the wide range of abilities and specific skills for the workplace to give Singapore a competitive edge as we move into a knowledge –based economy. Today, polytechnic graduates are valued as practice-oriented and knowledgeable professionals, much sought after by the industry. The polytechnics are also significant provider of continuing education and post employment professional development programmes and services.
Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Post-Secondary institution that provides pre-employment training to secondary school leavers and continuing education and training to working adults. It was formerly known as Vocational and Industrial Training Board (VITB) in the 1970s. ITE offers National ITE Cert (NITEC) (NC I), Higher NITEC (NC II), Master NITEC (NC III & NC IV) and Diploma Programmes (2 to 3 years). Annually 25% (approx 25,000)of the school cohorts enroll for ITE. ITE intake is only 13,000 students per year.
A short story to share: Yuri Gagarin Yuri Gagarin was born in a farm in Moscow. He completed Grade 6 and continued his studies in a vocational school (Equivalent to TESDA). Later he attended the Russian Air Force where he graduated as a pilot. He displayed his skills and talent in being a pilot and was given an opportunity to attend cosmonaut training. Yuri Gagarin made history for being the first human being to orbit the earth on 12 April 1961 in Vostok 1. He was given the highest honour of Hero of Soviet Union.
What I would like to share with parents and teachers It would be great if we can move from directive to a constructive guidance. Parents and Teachers could play a more pro-active role and empower their children/students to make an informed choice of the path they would like to embark on. The schools could implement an aptitude test to assist the students to form their decisions and guide them accordingly through a guidance counsellor. We could guide them to weigh the pros and cons of reality in life and the ideal.
What my child’s future holds? Like Yuri Gagarin there is a Yuri Gagarin in each of us. I hope I have planted a seed of thought in some if not all of you. Water that seed and Nourish the Yuri Gagarin in your child.
We have come to Beginning of a New ERA in Philippines Education and an end to my Sharing. SALAMAT PO