Sonoma State University Small University, Big Ideas
SSU Snapshot Population: 8100 total students Student to faculty ratio, 21:1 Average class size: Lower Division-25 Upper Division-18 Average GPA: 3.12 Average Test Scores: SAT 1040/ACT 21 WHAT SETS SSU APART? Location -The Perfect combination of rural and urban life. -40 Miles north of San Francisco Student Friendly Campus -personal attention and community feel among faculty, staff & students Residential Community - Residential campus with the highest percentage of students living on campus in the CSU System - Residential Suites and Student Apartments with extensive amenities
Academics at SSU 44 Bachelors, 14 Masters, 13 Teaching Credentials Top Five Majors (by enrollment) Business, Hutchins Liberal Studies, Psychology, English, Biology High Demand Majors: (GPA requirements) Biology, Criminal Justice, Communications, Environmental Science, Hutchins, Nursing, Pre-Business, Psychology Hutchins School of Liberal Studies, Nationally Recognized Program (class size limited to 13 ) Honored member of COPLAC (Counsel of Public Liberal Arts Colleges) High Acceptance Rate to Top Medical & Professional Schools
Student Support SOAR Student Orientation & Registration EMT Educational Mentoring Team ACE (Advising,Career, & EOP) Services EOP Summer Bridge Program DSS Disabled Student Services Free Tutorial Program (LSS) Learning Skills Services Writing Center
Campus Housing Suites & Apartments Internet access in each room Swimming Pools, Spa, Rec and Game Room US Post Office Convenience Store Laundry Facilities Exclusive Computer Lab Ameci’s Pizzeria Most Residential Campus in CSU 85% of Freshmen live on campus Fall 2003 Beaujolais Village Opened Cost: $5500-$8000/year
Campus Life & Involvement Student Organizations -More than 100 university sponsored clubs and organizations -6 Fraternities & 7 Sororities - Inter-Cultural Center Active Associated Student Government -ASP Programming -Outdoor Pursuits NCAA II Sports Programs - 11 Intercollegiate Programs Competitive Club & Recreational Sports -Western Collegiate Lacrosse League Champions, Ranked 1st in the Nation
What’s New at SSU? Recreation Center: The 52,000 sq. ft. center will be adjacent to the campus residence halls. It will house a weight room, two multipurpose rooms for dance/aerobics/martial arts, a game room, an indoor rock-climbing wall and a massage center, as well as many other amenities. Beaujolais Village: 655 Spaces opened for Fall Four bedroom, four bath 1150 sq foot apartments for Transfer and Continuing students. Spring 04 construction will begin on another 650 spaces. Wolf’s Den: Across from the main entrance to SSU’s campus a small shopping center is being constructed with the addition of a McDonalds, Quiznos, 7-Eleven, and Wolf Coffee Shop Renovation of Darwin Hall: Construction will begin this Fall on the renovation of SSU’s science building, Darwin Hall.
Admissions Criteria Admissions Criteria for Freshmen A-G Requirements GPA SAT I or ACT Admissions Criteria for Transfer Students Lower Division* - A2 & B GPA - Eligible from high school Upper Division* - 56 transferable units, 30 General Education with a C or better (all area A & B4) and 2.00 GPA. l * Some majors require higher GPA
How & When to Apply Fall Applicants October 1 - November 31 (First time Freshman) October 1 - January 31 (Transfer Students) Spring Applicants August 1 - August 31st (UpperDivision Transfer Students Only) Online Applications Preferred - CSU Mentor Website