W HAT IS A CTION R ESEARCH (AR)? Action research is classroom-based research conducted by teachers in order to reflect upon and evolve their teaching (self-improvement). AR is problem focused, so it tries to find solutions to a specific problem. AR is a systematic, documented inquiry into ONE aspect of teaching and learning in a specific classroom.
D ATA C OLLECTION T OOLS Audio/Video taping: Helps see all the details Keeping journals: Help observe student performance continuously and question one’s own teaching Dialog journals: Sharing ideas with the students helps teachers learn about their students’ learning experiences Teachers can also use these journals to evaluate students’ writing
Class observation: Asking colleagues to observe classes help teachers collaborate Surveys and questionnaires: Helps gather lots of information
A CTION R ESEARCH P ROCEDURES Initial Reflection: Focus on one concern/problem Examples Students never seem interested in the topics I choose for conversation classes Students don’t seem to make use of revision strategies I have presented Turn your concern into a research question Examples How can topic choice be negotiated in the classroom? Which teaching techniques would prepare students better for using revision strategies in writing?
PLAN Detailed plan is needed for the action Who is going to do what? When will it take place? What modifications will be done? How will it be implemented?... Instruments to gather data is prepared
ACT Implementing the plan You might not follow the plan step by step Make necessary changes considering your experience and feedback
OBSERVE Observe whether what you have done has an effect; if so how does it affect… Diaries and journals help you at this stage
REFLECT Evaluate the effects of your action for future Possible to have a new AR cycle. Possible to consider questions like What are the barriers to change? How can the changes be improved?